Verizon gave me a free flip phone...

Aug 05, 2022 20:46

Lol...  As I said, (?) Verizon is getting rid of the 3G network which my phone is on?  But...  Like I don't use data, so it confused me...  But I guess the phone data itself is over that network?  I don't know...  Either way, my phone will no longer work in December.  And...  Mom texted saying my phone I ordered arrived.  I didn't order a phone.  Upon searching the webs, it says Verizon is sending them out for free.  Coming home...  Opening the bag it's in basically says you accept it otherwise you can return it.  I read the reviews online and it seems to be a really horrible phone.  And...  I barely touch my phone as it is now, so...  I don't know how much it will really affect me if I chose to accept it.  I mean...  Outwardly without trying it the only downside I see is it's a flip phone without a qwerty keyboard, which is the main reason I chose my phone.  If anything I occasionally use it to text when I don't have wifi.  Anyway...  7500centfish is willing to add me to her plan and upgrade me to a smart phone.  But...  I honestly don't feel I need one.  If anything...  Maybe I can take better pictures?  But...  I get by with my tablet.  I'm on wifi at home and work.  OK there are time when I use my cable network's public wifi or store wifi.  Maybe it's not safe?  But...  Yeah, I don't see the need.  Like...  Maybe someone needs to tell me what I'm missing?  OK, I can't order an uber or...  Have my Mets tickets on my phone.  But...  I don't want digital tickets.  I want actual ticket stubs.

Drowning out what Mom is listening to, but since I don't listen to music, listening to Catholic Answers.

I previously mentioned a reddit post about athletes / chaplains.  It made me wonder...  Like are there any other "entertainment" industries that provide religious services.  Like...  I highly doubt most movies sets provide that sort of thing.  Maybe they have "weekends" off.  I mean...  When Raul Esparza was doing Company in Chicago he got the cast to go to Holy Week / Easter services.  But...  It's not like it was a formal thing.  Then, there was a Pillar ep of a Chaplain for the Circus.

I was listening to Pints With Aquinas with Trent Horn and they mentioned something about Women tend to when communicating face each other, while Men are more besides / doing things together.  Hm...  I mean, maybe it's just me being awkward.  Or maybe it just reinforces how I just don't feel like I vibe with other women.  But yeah, I don't know what to make of it.

Trying new water flavor things.  Skittles...  Has a weird taste in general.  I don't know how to explain it.  Like...  It smells how it should taste, but then the taste itself isn't great.  Either way...  I did try pineapple.  I have no clue why it's blue.  But...  It actually taste like watery pineapple without the weird tongue sensation.  But strawberry is gross.  Kiwi lime is weird too, but not gross.

durlxnemesis texted me saying if the Mets get Otani he'll become a Mets fan.  Lol.  Is that the pitcher / hitter guy?  Still bitter about the Universal DH...

catholicism, podcasts, buy me stuff, mets thoughts

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