🔥 101 🔥

Jul 20, 2022 21:17

That was the temperature reading when I hopped into my car this afternoon.  So hot!!!


I was walking in the back of the church / all the way to the chapel side.  Communion started but then very few people went up that it confused me.  Like...  I was standing by the wall  awaiting my turn.  But then since no one really went up the priest just ended it.  But then I was walking toward the central aisle chasing down the priest to receive.  It was then after Mass  and people were milling about.  And I saw Fr. Eric chatting with someone as I was walking out.  I felt like I saw all sort of other priest I recognized, but didn't know.  Fr. I was no where  in sight.  :(

I had packed up and we then went to Woodmere to spend the night before we headed off somewhere.  I remember arriving there and someone unpacking everything including my stuff.  I then went to  bed in Jennie's...  Like her 2nd bedroom...  Not her childhood bedroom or her last bedroom, but the one in the extension.  Anyway, I then realize it's 6AM and I get up.  I then remember  rubbing my face in a dog...  But it's a long haired dog.  Possibly Koosh.  After I let go of the leash I realize it had cut off the circulation to my finger and it was all swollen and reddish  purple.  Jennie is then in the room saying I should use steroid cream on it.  I said I had some, but she insisted she get Tita Fely to prescribe me something.  I'm then wandering around the  house as people are packing up the stuff.  I make a comment that I'm not gonna help.  I wasn't the one who unpacked my stuff.

Random notes!

Mom was asleep and the TV was on repeat...  So I changed the channel and caught an ep of Impractical Jokers.  Wow...  Either I changed or the show did.  Yeah, I used to love that show.  And...  I don't know, I just didn't find it as funny / some of the jokes were on the crass side.  Maybe I've become too much of a prude.  Honestly...  Watching any TV makes me cringe these  days.  Everything from the shows, to the commercials.  Yet...  One of the youtube channels I watch constantly makes penis jokes...

Catholic Answers, someone asked about forgotten sins during confession.  Yes they are forgiven.  But they said the reason we should still confess them has to do with the penance we receive.  I hadn't thought of that.

Catholic Talk Show also had an episode on Confession.  I mean, what they said was legit, but it feels like they were focusing on an  emotional aspect of confession.  Kept saying to pour your heart out, etc.  And...  Not that it's become rote, well no...  Not even.  Like I don't go into confession feeling I have this huge  weight I need to get off my chest.  But it's not like I don't cry either.  I don't know...  It just happens.  But am I pouring my heart out?  I don't know.  But...  I kinda feel like they  were saying you need to be emotional to have an effective confession.  I don't even know if effective is the right word.

Not done watching...  But I guess he's not aware the Catholic Church is composed of many others asides from Roman?  Hm...  He did say  it is the most original.  He then randomly name drops the Jesuits???  Anyway, it seems like, just like his channel...  He focused on the names of said denominations.  And there isn't much  else to say about Catholicism?  P.s.  Catholicism is not a denomination.  It didn't de-nominate from anything.

Wait...  So I mentioned the ep of The Pillar where they were discussing, which of any of Trumps marriages are valid.  And...  They were basing it all on the question of whether Ivana's first  husband was Catholic.  But now it turns out Ivana was Catholic?  So...  Wouldn't that make her marriage to Trump invalid to begin with?  Then, he'd technically be free to marry Marla?  So...  That would be the legitimate marriage?  Therefore he's still married to her?  I believe the fact they are both baptized non Catholics their marriage would be valid in the eyes of the Church.  They, the Pillar, said they'd continue to discuss it next ep.

Dr. L asked me who Ivana was...  "His mother?"  HAHAHAHA!!!  Seriously...  Even when I'm younger, I feel like I know some more "old school" things because I've been in NY longer than he has?

As I said, I bought Introduction to the Devout Life and...  I flipped through the pages.  Uh...  How is one supposed to read it?  Like...  A chapter is basically a page or 2.  So is it like a  daily 365 day thing.  But I'm sure there aren't exactly 365 days.  So I don't know how I will use it in terms of my current reading schedule.  As in...  I do a short reading from a daily  devotional.  Then when I eat I read like a regular book, but of a religious topic.  And I thought Devout Life would be a regular book.  But it's not so...  I don't know.  I don't think I can  "read" and eat yet be in a spiritual / contemplative mindset.  Maybe I can break it up into 365 days?

One old note I never wrote about...  I saw on some social media or maybe reddit that some protestants don't believe in baptism because it takes away from Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.  What???

I rescheduled my Nephro appt to 2 weeks later.  Marna then thanked me then added she was gonna ask the covering MD to be by herself...  Dr. L then said it is I who can't be alone because I  don't speak Spanish...

  • Chapel in the Romanian airport.  I wonder if Fr. I has been...  But then it's more Orthodox than Roman.  Not that that  really makes a different.
  • This is Shea, right?
  • I wanted to do a #Breviaryviews with this quote but it felt too...  Like I was judging people.  Maybe I am...  But I  wanted to make it a wake up call.  But at the same time not that I'm sin free...
  • catholicism, books, podcasts, #breviaryviews, dream

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