It wasn't not my fault!

Jul 18, 2022 21:19

Dr. L went on a "screaming" rant because he had asked me to email some insurance rep, but then wanted to proofread what I was sending before it was sent.  So I left it on his table.  Marna asked me about it on Friday?  Then today I got a note to add another page to it.  So while he was seeing pts, I left a note asking if it was OK to send.  So he went ranting thinking it was sent "2 weeks" ago.  It was actually a week ago when he asked me.  He then was positive he gave Marna the OK / all the papers.  Good thing I had scanned them all into the comp ready to send before giving it to him, because...  Still don't know where the packet is.  Like...  I don't even know what he wanted me to write / why it needed proofreading when all I said was something like, "Per the conversation with Dr. L, attached are the claims he wants reprocessed", like what else did he want me to write?

I was then annoyed...  As I said, Dr. L and co are going on vacay for a week and the weekend I have an MD appt they happen to be going.  I told her this.  She said it was OK and now she's asking me to reschedule.  Like ugh...  So annoying!  I was gonna get my blood drawn this weekend.  Might as well "reschedule" that too.  She then said I can go on a work day.  Like...  No.  You'll make me make it up and I don't want to be coming home later than I usually do.

Shopping spree!  Lol.  I occasionally go through my list of regular stores, one being Disney and bought an anniversary Elliot Christmas ornament.  I also got a Elliot "jersey".  I dunno...  That's what people called it in the reviews, but it looks like a long sleeved shirt?  Maybe it's thicker?  But it's Electrical Parade merch and has a glow in the dark Elliot on the back.  I opted for a small, although I might be an XS in mens?  But then the reviews also mention a tight head hole?  I have a fat head...

Also went book shopping and got my new year read and another spiritual read.  But then...  As I said, I marked off Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton, but then I wasn't feeling it.  Decided to read Jesus of Nazareth instead.  But then...  It's Baptism to Transfiguration.  Is that a liturgical season?  Apparently it is.  Epiphanytide.  50 days after Christmas ends so...  I might save it till then.  So I read Orthodoxy today.  It says it's a companion to Heretics.  So...  Was I supposed to read that first?  I hear, Orthodoxy is basically like his version of Mere Christianity.

Podcast.  LOL!!!  The last ep of The Pillar spent 30 minutes speculating if Donald Trump is eligible to be married.  At first when I saw the synopsis I thought...  That's a little inappropriate.  But then...  They did offer condolences and prayers.  But it was interesting.  FYI, they're both canon lawyers and a majority of what they do has to do with validity of marriages.  Anyway...  It was interesting to know just because his first marriage ended in the death of his wife (Ivana), it does not default that is 2nd marriage to Marla Maples is then valid.  They were saying...  Trump is a Baptized Non Catholic.  They assume because of the time / political climate at the time Ivana was not.  That in itself makes the marriage valid.  So when he married Marla, according to Catholic canon law the fact the 1st marriage was valid makes the 2nd marriage invalid to begin with.  Because he's not free to marry.  Same with Melania.  They were then saying...  I think Marla is also a Baptized non Catholic.  And Melania is baptized Catholic, but by her father, because once again the political climate at the time.  There was then question if because of the politics would a wedding outside of the church be automatically dispensed from form which could play a role if say...  Wait did that come later?  Oh yeah, Ed totally wanted to see a train wreck of a show if they got Donald Trump to do the Bachelor.  Anyway, a wrench was thrown into it all!  Ivana was previously married!  But she said she only married for Austrian citizenship.  But then JD and Ed were saying that doesn't necessarily invalidate a marriage.  Is it then they were talking about the dispensation of form due to the political climate?  Anyway...  They said it really depends on if the 1st husband is a baptized Catholic.  They said Austria is a Catholic country.  But the guys name sounds Jewish...  Because if he's not a Catholic then what I first said stands.  But if he is Catholic...  It would make the 1st Trump marriage invalid and therefore he'd still be married to Marla and therefore not free to marry?  Anyway...  Google also tells me Ivana was Jewish, yet she's having a "Celebration of Life" at St. Vincent Ferrer...

I wonder if this Canon lawyer I know would find it as amusing as I did.

MLB Draft season.  The Mets, with the 11th overall drafted Kevin Parada from Georgia Tech.  He's giving me Filipino vibes.  But I saw a pic of his father.  He doesn't look Filipino.

I got home to text messages that someone had died.  But apparently someone told us about it 2 (?) weeks ago.  I didn't hear anything.  "Oh yeah because it was in Tagalog"...  LOL!  Here goes my medical knowledge!  Tita E texted that she was in an induced coma.  So when I came down I asked if she had a brain injury.  I dunno...  I just remember a reason to induce coma was to reduce brain swelling.  It was then Mom said what had happened.  Eternal rest...

I caught someone trying to take a pic of my license plate / bumper.  Lol.

7500centfish saw the new Persuasion.  I heard reviews it's not remotely like the actual story so I'm avoiding it.  Persuasion is my fave though...  I might have to just watch it like a train wreck.  I don't know...  But I googled the dudes.  None of them are appealing to me.

I think I ovulated.  Had a quick, yet not very painful, pain from my left ovary area.  Then I was just having dull cramps all day.  No spotting.  Yet...  But then 7500centfish wanted to poke my chicken.  Lol.

Happy Non Feast Day to me!

books, podcasts, buy me stuff, mets thoughts, medical

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