Happy Sunday!

May 01, 2022 19:39

Surprisingly in a good mood.  The sun is shinning, flowers are in bloom, well kinda...  I tried to take pics and one of trees is sans flowers now.  Woops.

Very good homily, I felt compelled to say so on Instagram.  I didn't name drop my priest like previous, but I made it a point to go out and take flower pics to have something to post it with.  I originally was gonna post Mom's pancakes with "Come have breakfast."  Lol...  Anyway, Fr. I mentioned today's homily was about Jesus reveling himself.  But then emphasized Peter.  Like we know him.  There are many instances where he is mentioned.  That he has a brother, that he was a fisherman, he had a family, etc, etc.  He was present during the transfiguration.  He mentioned the act of him going fishing was, not how it is today, an act of relaxation, but him returning to his former life.  But then he encounters Jesus and his life is changed.  Jesus, like he asked Peter, continually asks us if we love him.  Of course, the answer is yes.  But are we willing to obey God rather than man?  He said the intimate conversation between Peter and Jesus changed him and we likewise should change.  Easter is a time of change.  Other random things I remember him mentioning was...  Like God checks in on us asking us what is new and he, Fr. I, in his everyday life say, not much.  But then he said God pushes us to do more.  And of course that makes me question what I can do.  Had a cry post communion.  I love God so much...

Unrelated (?), reminded me of last weeks homily from Fr. Mike Schmitz how...  It was never a thing in Christianity to ask others to give what they have, but to look at yourself and think what can I do.

Saw an El Camino.  Except it wasn't purple...

Dr. L randomly mentioned he was banned on twitter for saying something about COVID.  He was on twitter???  He wonders if he'll be unbanned now.

6:29 P.M.

I attempted to clean my closet.  I managed to take down some tshirts I don't really wear, like they're souvenir shirts from various shows / concerts I've been to.  Saw my Altar Boyz "Good Girls Wait" shirt and was tempted to post it on instagram, either as a post or a story.  But...  Yeah, not sure if I want my priest seeing that!  LOL!!!

Oddly hungry even after I ate...

Mom found my old blood sugar charts and I guess I was recording weight at least weekly.  I was 146...  I honestly don't remember being that heavy.  I don't think I ever got close to 150...  In my mind's eye, I've been hovering around 135 since college.

  • HI3862306739ORY...  cc 7500centfish
  • HAHAHA, I love confession...
  • st e, sunday mass tweet, medical

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