It's one of those Saturdays...

Apr 30, 2022 21:08

Firstly I woke up this AM with confession anxiety, except...  I went last week, I don't need to go again.  Like I woke up thinking I needed to rush / the anxiety of being late.  I don't think I have sins to confess so I needed to make a good examination.  But like I said, when I woke up I realized I had gone last week.  I don't need to go again.

I actually woke at 4, but tried to get back to sleep.  I did manage to get a little nap after 6, but then woke up again around 7 because 7500centfish and Mom were bombarding me with texts.  7500centfish was part of Dana's wedding.

Oh yeah...  When it was 4AM I was trolling the interwebs.  I guess the Mets no hit the Phillies last night.  Part of me feels like I'm a bad Mets fan for missing out.  But...  I mean, I'm still aware of what they do from social media.  But I haven't been watching...  Mostly because I sit downstairs and Mom is watching and the chair is blocking the TV.  Plus...  I'd rather just watch random youtube vids and fall asleep.  But yeah...  Happy.  In other other news...  The Aunts barely mentioned it.  But then Tita Nette kept asking me if I saw so and so from another game.  "No.  I don't watch."  I guess it's better than her asking me if I heard about x or y Yankee game?

But yeah...  I was in a mood today.  I felt disconnected when they came.  Add to that they said next week this and that.  That they're going to the cemetery, it's mother's day.  As I said, I have a doctor's appt and...  I don't want to be walking around with dilated eyes!  So...  I don't know if I'll be "forced" to be with them or if I'll just skip out.  I don't want to reschedule because it would be the 3rd time.  I just want to get my eyes checked so I can send it to the DMV already!  Otherwise I'd probably skip out.  And it's not like I can even join them after to eat or something.  I can't drive!!!  Oh yeah, I then snapped when they asked where I wanted to eat.  Stop already!  After the fact as we drove past I mentioned the diner.  "I don't like diner food."  SO STOP ASKING ME!  I then asked if we were going any where, cause if yes I'd use the bathroom in the restaurant, otherwise I'd just wait till home.  No.  But then in the car...  It's early, we should go to harmons.  *sigh*  We ended up going home.

Random text.
Mom talked about the plant she got from Aures, but they kept pronouncing it as Az-ah-lay-ah, like not Az-A-lee-ah.  Lol...

Kirby Saints.

I clicked on my link for Claire's.  Now I want to spend $50 bucks on earrings...  Also thinking I need to make or find my anklets or make new ones.

buy me stuff, mets thoughts

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