Why is eating so difficult?

Apr 08, 2022 21:03

I have no appetite, yet I feel hungry.  I opted to find something to eat at home vs getting something because I feel like we have a lot of food / will have a lot of left overs when they come for the weekend.  So I made myself a grilled cheese and completely lost interest in eating it less than halfway through.  I did manage to eat a little more than half, like 1 bite more than half.  I tried to change my taste palate and had a cookie, but...  I ended up wrapping the rest and put it in the ref.  I mean...  It's not like missing a meal is gonna hurt.  But...  Lack of appetite sucks!

In other news...  I just want to unload my books!  As I said, I emailed my church about possibly leaving the extra bulk books I got in the gathering space for people to pick up.  I got a response this AM it's best if I email Fr. I directly.  I did and...  He wants to discuss it in person.  He has an idea...  I mean, he knows I'm awkward as frak, but I'm still nervous.  What does he want to discuss?  What is this idea?  Does he want me to do something???  Maybe it's nothing.  He said before Mass is sufficient to meet.  I pray to God in wanting to do more.  Yet...  I'm still scared.  Like I said, Sr. Pat wants to meet with me too...  Lol...  Maybe I need to actually read the book?  cc 7500centfish

I started eating nuts and I can't even seem to stomach them.  Ugh...

There's a Mets game, but...  It's not on TV.  It's only on the apple app.  And...  It's free, but you have to DL the app.  No thank you.  As predicted I fell asleep last night while watching.  Good to wake up to a win.

  • 7500centfish posted a flyer of the Rabies Fox.  1.  I'm surprised it was in a very populated area.  Is it very populated?  And 2.  I wonder what that says about other wild animals in the area.  Is there a greater risk of rabies in them?
  • We're getting a spike in flu cases.
  • kumquatqueen just (???) started following Elliot.  For some reason I thought she was already following...
  • I want the Mets on field coat.  It almost looks like a raincoat or a long coat, but it doesn't have a hood.  Plus...  It probably doesn't come in womans.  I've bought the official hoodies in the past and even when the small fits in terms of width, it's still long on me.  I suspect this would be even longer!  Found it.  It's like >$200...
  • We need to find a new place that sells crab leg buckets...
  • Someone left a poops that clogged the toilet.  I didn't even get to use the buttroom!  So I used the one in the house again.  But I was afraid, that the water from upstairs would just flood the bathroom downstairs.  Dr. L needs to bring out the snake...  He said he wants to put a sign, "No big poo poo.  Only sexy poo poo."  Lol...  He's always telling kids who lose weight they're sexy now.
  • I don't know how to celebrate ending my coffee fast.  I'll probably default to McD or DD, but I want something with whipped cream / chunky stuff...
  • st e, buy me stuff, discernment, medical

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