Happy Opening Day to those who celebrate...

Apr 07, 2022 20:20

Mom is "watching" her shows.  I can't see the TV anyway with the chair in the way...  It's a rain delay anyway.  Conflicted.  I said I wasn't gonna watch any more and...  Last year, it was on TV, but I don't feel I was invested in them.  I turned on my optimum app and am "watching".

I emailed my church about leaving my books for people to take.  No answer.  I guess Holy Week is a good week if any.  I also suggested maybe Fr. I and the deacons could hand them out to people they might think would benefit.

Sr. Pat emailed me.  I haven't responded yet.  She said she just got back into to office, saw my Christmas card, thanked me.  They're in the Mercy campus now.  She wanted to get my info again because she seemed to have lost.  I wrote all my info on an index card listing Fr. I as my "spiritual director".  Anyway, she p.s.'d it saying she found my info.  So respond to catch up.  I don't know...  I go through periods.  Right now I feel like I need more.  Or a need to revive what I had.  But then part of me is content.  Comfortable.  I'm scared of change.  I can't even build up the courage to volunteer for my parish.  Is this God's will?  Am I enough?  That's probably the wrong words...  Either way, I feel like I'd benefit from Spiritual Direction even if it doesn't end where I initially hoped.  But...  All she wanted to know was how I've faired through covid.  Not bad.

I was planning to write this for a few days...  Mom had her envelopes for mailing and I was hesitant to mail them.  It honestly annoys me.  Like...  I understand the need to donate.  I have a policy for myself to keep it local.  But Mom has said she feels guilty.  She then complains they send her things.  "Then don't send them anything!"  But like I said, she feels guilty.  She then complains when people "steal" her free pens.  I honestly think it just gets damaged in the mail and not people opening it.  Either way...  7500centfish says to just throw it out.  Isn't that illegal???  Like for me to just throw it out?  Like I wouldn't be surprised if she sends money to each place monthly.

I have a headache.

Other texts.
  • Marna showed me a vid she made with inspiration quotes amidst pics of Dr. L laying on a beach...
  • 7500centfish send me a baseball quiz.  I gave up after 22 questions.  I got 0 of those right.  I always say...  I'm not a baseball fan, just a Mets fan.

  • Catholic Answers Focus.

    Let me type up my response to Sr. Pat before I post...  In her P.s. she mentions wanting to meet again after Easter.
  • st e, discernment, mets thoughts

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