I need to get a Mass...

Feb 12, 2022 19:27

Last night, as Mom told her sisters...  Mom played detective and called a bunch of people re my "Godmother".  As I said, the people who she had spoken to didn't believe she had died.  I left Mom talking to her Chinese classmate who likes to talk...  She was kinda saying she knew her before she got married and didn't expect to be married and she suspected she gave up when Ninong Oscar died.  They were mostly talking about wanting to get together with the LIDC peeps.  Anyway, as I was drifting off to sleep, Mom came up saying she had talked to the "sister" who confirmed she had died.  :(  So Mom OK'd me to get a Mass.  Mom had actually called the neighbor and gotten the phone number.  Mom then said it was not the sister, but the niece.  She died shortly after Ninong Oscar.  He died almost 2 years ago...  Per Mom, April 2020.  Mom last heard from Ninang Astie in June of 2020...  In a sense it's "weird" that none of her friends knew and it was just me getting my Christmas card back in the mail which basically alerted everyone.  In a sense COVID is weird with people in a sense shutting themselves off.  I mean...  Like I said, Rebecca keeps wanting to get the LIDC people together.  But...  Mom hasn't been out much with anyone aside her sisters.  Aunt Pitat doesn't come around any more.  UST / APPNY meet, but not as often.  So in a sense maybe she fell through the cracks.  But then...  Like Rebecca said, it seemed like she just withdrew.  Sad.

They came.  Ugh...  I mean, I say I don't want to go, but I end up going.  Once again there was mention of going to the cemetery.  They still didn't visit Grandpa for his anniversary and the weather was nice for once.  But we didn't go because Tita E wasn't feeling good and Tito Abe had a doctor's appt.  Tita Neng once again asked me about the masks.  Why does it matter!?!  Y'all still wear masks!  Basically the state wide mandate dropped, but if a business requires a mask you need to wear one.  Like...  Wasn't that what it was like before???  And...  I don't get it.  People scream at dropping the mask mandate saying no one wore masks during the mandate anyway.  Where are you???  Like I live in "Evil Trump Suffolk" and a majority of people wore masks.  Like maybe I saw 1 at most in a store, but seriously!  And...  The mask mandate did nothing to stop omicron.  The numbers are down because it burned through the population.

And I don't know if we just went to the mall too early, but it was strangely dead.  Like...  There were more people in previous weeks and the fact it's Valentine's day I was expecting there to be more people esp shopping at jewelry stores / hallmark.  But no, the mall was dead.  Was it because they dropped the mask mandate which sent people into hiding?  It's not like there weren't people shopping when we didn't have to wear masks before...

Ate at, as Mom says, "California Kitchen", or just California as Tita Neng says.  I just got a pizza and salad.  I kinda wanted fettuccine, but felt it would be too heavy, but kinda wanted it on the reheat.

I mentioned I was irked at the addition of the Universal DH.  Ugh...  I'm like really upset.  I once said if it happened I won't watch baseball anymore.  And...  I don't know if I will hold to that.  Is there even a season?  FYI, there is a strike or lockout.  I dunno...  So Spring Training looks like it won't start on time.  But yeah...  Over all I don't like the changes they've made to the game in the last few seasons thinking it will improve viewership / bring in a younger generation.  Like...  If you bring in a DH for a pitcher, why can't you bring in a DH for any player?  For slow running catchers?  Replaced better fielding outfielders?  Like...  They want to prolong players careers for those who hit well.  Why not have 18 players?  9 who field and 9 who hit?  Like I said, if you want universal rules, why not remove the DH from the AL?  So stupid...

Did some shopping on target.  I was expecting my order Tuesday, but I got some stuff today.  One of which is a 48oz Nalgene water bottle.  OMG!  It's huge!  It's basically 2x the size of my current water bottle.  Like I wanted to dilute the powder I was drinking because at the end of the day I still felt dehydrated.  So...  I'll she how this works.  I had been drinking, on a good day...  1-8oz of fake "Ensure", 3-8oz for 9 to 11, another 3-8oz from 12 to 2.  I'd drink 2-8oz from 3 to 4.  I'd have 8oz left in my water bottle and when I got home I'd fill it up again so I'd try to drink that.  Then the coffee I drink throughout my work day so...  13ish...  But on most days I probably only drank 11.  Still more that the 8 "recommended", but according to my MD I'm still dehydrated.  Dr. L then says I'm not dehydrated because I'm pissing it all out.  So I don't know how this new bottle will work with that.  Still have my fake ensure and coffee...  Then this bottle is 6-8oz.  I have to drink 2 I guess?  Add to that it's more dilute, so maybe I'll feel more hydrated as well.  We'll see.

Lol.  I texted 7500centfish I was hopping in the shower with, "I'm singing in the shower, dear."  Is it wrong to laugh that you pretty much quote a movie that was practically porn which you saw when you were younger???  Lol.  Do I need to bring this up in confession as a forgotten sin?  Or does watching trash TV cover that?

Anyway, 7500centfish and I were discussing a recliner for Mom because Mom's not answering her texts.  As I told 7500centfish, I'd prefer she sleep in a proper bed, but I don't see how she can get out without causing stress on her arms nor a bed that will lift her to a standing position.  I once mentioned to Mom she should really see a geriatric specialist, but...  She's resistant?  I told her it can help her with memory, mobility, social services...  I mean...  The whole purpose at least that I was told when I was interested in it was keeping people out of nursing homes.  But yeah, Mom just brushes it off.

Tito Abe went to Uncle G to get stuff for Tita Evelyn.  He said it's nice, but a bit expensive.  Yup.

  • Where are the trads screaming he isn't a priest?
  • I was born on her feast day, otherwise I'm not named after a saint, per Mom.
  • Lol.
  • Shy extrovert / dark.
  • Hundreds of years of being a good boy.

    #CatholicTwitter reacts to the Universal DH...
  • Ed Condon
  • Fr. Patrick Hyde
  • Catholic Answers
  • #catholictwitter, mets, private kinda, medical

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