Why didn't I get a track suit???

Feb 06, 2022 18:34

Lol.  It's Catholic Schools Week, so all the kiddos were in their school uniform, some in their gym track suits.  I want one!!!  Seriously?  Can I get one?  I found my old gym uniform.  I mean...  I was fat, but was I that fat?  And I'm sure kid fat is different from now fat...  Like, I don't think I'd be able to fit into my grade school / HS uniform if I tried...  But then I found my gym shirt and shorts.  The shorts are adult med, AKA my current size and the top is a child's large?  So they still fit.  Tempted to take a pic of me in them...  Or a boomerang or something.  Lol.

Anyway, Mass proper.  As I said, Fr. I was back, but he didn't say Mass.  I was actually thankful to see Fr. Eric and not that priest that did confession yesterday.  But I was having a really hard time concentrating.  I like the first reading...  Fr. Mike has used it as a prefigurement of the Eucharist.  About an angel using tongs to hold the burning ember and when it touches our lips we are cleansed, just as the Eucharist cleanses us from (venial) sin.  Fr. Mike adds in that an angel has to use tongs and not his hands, yet we are touched by he burning coal and are healed...  Anyway, none of that was said in the deacon's homily.  If anything...  All I got was he mentioned the abundance of God's grace in the symbolism of the fish in the net / boat almost tearing and sinking them.  Also mentioned the abundance of wine at Cana.  I mean...  Yeah.  But...  Once again, I struggle with this.  Where is the overabundance of God's grace in my life?

Went to rite aid after Mass to get batteries for our glucometers.  When I got home I realized I should have meds to pick up.  Once again requested it last week and it's still not ready.  I only have till Monday.

Got bagels.  I was in the mood for McD actually and was thinking of just getting bagels and then get McD, but then...  I ended up getting a bagel sandwich.  When I initially made my order I was flustered and forgot to tell them I wanted scrambled eggs.  I did realize before I got my order so they were able to add them.  So I got a bacon, egg, swiss on a toasted everything.  Then a dozen everything bagels for the week.

Dunkin for my drink.  I wanted to see if they had anything new, but then there was no one on line and I didn't want to have them stare and wait for me, so I just got a frozen coffee with mocha.  Too much mocha!!!

I emailed Dr. B I need a new rx for my meds.  He changed my prescription to half of what I was taking, except he just had me cut my pills instead of writing a new prescription.  But I don't have any refills on that anymore, so I need a new (reduced?) rx.  I have had 1 episode of light headedness since he lowered it which was greatly improved from prior.  Like...  I had at least 2 episodes of lightheadedness unprompted (? would that be the correct term?), but pretty much constantly as I stood up from bed / a chair.

Random notes.

So I went to St. H yesterday and when I showed up at 4:30ish there were actually a few more people there than I was expecting.  The actual Mass was packed as well.  It was the family Mass and they had some special thing because it was Catholic Schools week, like I said.  But...  I don't doubt in general that parish is packed.  And...  I wonder if it's because of the demographics.  It's a largely Hispanic area.  It also makes me wonder...  Because our parish is an offshoot from it.  Like did they see that demographic shift then or did it just happen?  But then at that time there was also a population explosion so there needed to be a new church either way.

I was then thinking on my confession again.  I find it "funny" that in a sense I got more out or at least remember more of my first "confession" vs the actual.  I then remembered the confession I had in HH.  The priest asked me, "Are you happy?"  LOL!!!  What am I saying that makes priest think I'm sad!?!  Either way, I said, "relatively happy."  Lol.

Dream.  I was laying in bed about to fall asleep and 7500centfish comes bursting into my room.  All I see is her silhouette in the lit doorway.  She's telling me to hurry up and get downstairs so we can start the communal reading of my LJ.  WHAT!?!  I was literally like...  What?  I'm going back to bed!

Hopes for today...  I want to upload my pay stubs to my health insurance.  Hopefully they accept them, if not, I don't know what to do.  Do my files like usual.  Maybe set up my eye appt.  I need to do it on the weekend because I need Mom to drive me.  I couldn't see a thing when they dilated my eyes.  I then had to sleep it off because it was too...  Awkward?  Oh, I need to buy filters for my humidifier.  Lemme do that now.  And it's out of stock...  They have stuff on Amazon, but it's overly priced.  It looks like they have them at Bed Bath, but to qualify for free shipping I have to buy like 3+ of them.

Ugh...  I don't feel like editing this / posting right now.

3:16 P.M.  Power napped.

4:27 P.M.  Did my files, drying my hoodies.  Behind on my water.  I still have to eat linner / dunch.  Cut my bagels.

Eye exam scheduled.  I previously went to the one in Plainview on a weekday.  But the fact Mom needs to drive me because they dilate my eyes, I had to leave early so Mom wouldn't be driving at night.  So I scheduled for a weekend in the Babylon office.  Same doctor though.

OK, gonna eat.

5:55 P.M.  Bagels cut.  Dishes done.  Prayer done.  Duolingo done-ish?  I did my daily lesson, but the week ends on Sunday and I want to stay in the Obsidian league so I might have to do a lesson here and there to keep the points up.

Mom is on the phone with Magpantay.

confession, buy me stuff, dream, sunday mass tweet, medical

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