Dec 20, 2021 20:08

Seriously why???  Like I don't understand why you make up my burritos, but then leave dishes out like it's a pick and choose thing!  And then why mayo!?!  I didn't see mayo on the table so...  Why mayo???  It was so disgusting, but I was hungry and didn't want to be rude.  Like...  I would have gladly eaten a mouthful of cilantro or guacamole!  EW!!!

Lol.  Some rando I didn't know was a mutual follow commented "ewwww whattttt".  Turns out he's some cast member from JCS.  I had no clue I was following him and I guess I muted him at some point as well.

Apparently Christmas Eve / Friday is still a day of penance / abstainance?  But then I heard it ends with Vespers (AKA Evening prayer), but then people also bring up the Italian tradition of the Seven Fishes (?).  Basically Christmas Eve was always a day of fasting / abstainance and then feast at midnight.  So...  I don't know what I'm gonna do.  Whether I do the after Vespers or Midnight.  Usually I do Evening prayer after dinner, but in this case because we're going elsewhere I'd probably pray before eating and not after because of Mass, etc.  But then I seem to remember...  There are some hours you're excused from if you participate with Mass that evening.  I think...  Holy Thursday and maybe Christmas / Easter?  I need to look it up...  But then I guess the fact 4PM is the earliest you can celebrate a vigil Mass as well...  Kinda want to run it across my priest in a non serious way, but since he's an Italophile I'm sure he'll go the 7 Fishes route.  But then there is always my alt penance which I'd rather not do...

Lol.  When we were at the Amish Buffet I told 7500centfish I wanted to punch something.  We then seemed to mutually realize that I need a new expression of emotion, because not only do I want punch cute things, like Ginger or my baby self, I want to punch good fried chicken!  HAHAHAH!!!

Marna put her French bread in a vase...  HAHAHAHA!!!

I emailed the church in Queens.  Actually I just sent a draft I typed up.  I sent it at 11AM...  I said, "Good evening."  LOL!  No response yet.

Dream.  I was in an old house with someone and we were going through rooms with really old furniture / things covered with old bedsheets.  There was a yellow / pastel color scheme to things.  Then the doors were hidden, like flat and covered with the wallpaper of the room, yet you knew where the door was.  We were in one room and there were 2 doors on one side and then another door on the connecting wall and I said, "that's where they keep the dead bodies".  I had remembered, when we were walking through, of a woman who seemed to be sleeping on the bed, but I knew she was the dead mother of someone.  I then had some recollection, even when I didn't see them specifically that my dead family members were there as well.  The dream was way more involved and there was more rooms I remember going through, but I can't seem to remember much else right now.

catholicism, dream

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