The Post.

Nov 26, 2021 14:21

I guess this is my official Thanksgiving post?

We left for Aures' about 1:30 and got there just after 3.  Compared to previous years the traffic didn't seem as bad.  Pretty much after we showed we opened it up to eating even when takyttik82 was close by.  Jhumna and co showed up later.  Alex has a girlfriend!?!  Lol.  Someone told him to introduce her to everyone, but he said he was too shy.  I made a comment he better introduce her or she'll be black listed for life.  Lol!  At some point while we were eating, note was made, everyone sitting at the table was the 1st born.  Is Tita Jhulia the 1st born?  But Tita Evelyn was there, 7500centfish, geebs, Aures.  Eventually Matthew ruined it by sitting there as well.  sparkyboy, Tita Nette and I also sat together.

At one point sparkyboy brought up masks, but me being deaf...  Lol.  I did tell him I notice a difference.  Like...  Outside of work I rarely if ever wear a mask.  I guess my own doctor appts?  But I don't wear them shopping or church.  But I did say I noticed I think it really varies store to store.  Because when I go to target, then this week best buy I'd say a majority, if not all wear masks.  But at the grocery store, "Rite Aid" I'd say it's the opposite.  I then said maybe a 1/3 of people in church wear masks?  And...  My parish is far from being conservative.  As I said...  I think if anything it has to do with comfortability, "culture"?  I then made a comment...  People say Suffolk is Trump country and blames us for everything, but then Nassau has a higher infectivity rate, etc.

After eating we finally played The Catholic Card game!  We only used the base pack and none of the expansions.  As I told 7500centfish, I got them all except the Natural Family Planning pack, because does not apply.  Anyway, as we explained to people, it's the Catholic version of Cards Against Humanity.  It was only 7500centfish, geebs and I that played.  Lol.  A lot of the card wouldn't make sense unless you're part of Catholic Internet culture.  Like no one knew who Scott Hahn was, nor Chris Evert.  The former is a catholic author / apologist.  The latter is a Chasity speaker.  Or I guess someone involved in Church youth ministry?  And a lot of the response cards didn't really match up with the wording of the prompts.  But it was fun.  OMG!!!  Someone knows me too well.  Was it 7500centfish?  There was a prompt card saying "Contemplating [BLANK] take up a lot of my prayer time.  R:  "Accidentally licking the priest's thumb."  I feel seen!  I wanted to post it to Instagram, but as I've said my priest follows me.  I did end up posting it, but "hidden" among other pics.  Like, "Ain't no party like a Catholic party because a Catholic party has [BLANK].  I kept two response cards showing.  1.  The attractive seminarian.  2.  Getting slain by the Spirit.  HAHAHAH!!!  Not funny, but "Lord I need [BLANK]".  Mass at 6:30 A.M.  Hint hint Fr. I.  HAHAHAH!!!

Aures then whipped out the Karaoke.  Except it took the longest time to get it to work.  She basically bought some microphone thing off Amazon which wasn't working right, but then she had to DL apps for the actual karaoke?  But we were trying to figure out how to cast it onto the TV.  Eventually she got something to work.  geebs sang the most.  The Aunts kept prompting songs, but wouldn't sing themselves.  Tito Abe wanted me to sing Karma Cameleon because it was my "favorite song".  No...  Only because it got me a 100%.  LOL! In Aures' annoyance she wanted to know what karaoke to get.  I was like any respectable Filipino owns a Magic sing.  HAHAHA!!!  Among the Pop songs was Oh Happy Day "made famous by Sister Act" and it was the Sister act version!  HAHAHAHA!!!  From that I sang Day By Day from Godspell.  I then tried to look for Matt Maher.  takyttik82 was like what's his most popular song she would know.  Uh...  None?  What genre?  Christian Contemporary?  LOL!  I did sing a Keane song.  Out of practice!  And Kylie Minogue.  I tried to look online I don't think any Magic sing has Matt Maher.  But it does seem like they do have Keane songs now.  In other news...  7500centfish reminded me to sing Hair next time.  Yes!

Other random TG thoughts. 
  • sparkyboy is trying to get me to watch Love Should Die.  No.  He said even if only to laugh at it.  He was talking about how when Erik finds out the kid is his he's like almost creepy / pedophilish and the song is worse!
  • A few people brought up my weight loss, but it never went onto how or why...
  • Dying!  So the TG announcement in the bulletin mentioned to bring bread and wine to be blessed.  7500centfish brought wine...  And also Hello Kitty cookies!  HAHAHAH!!!  I was gonna tag my priest to thank him, but that's too weird!
  • Random thought...  OMG!  My priest is younger than geebs!
  • 7500centfish and I like to send each other bathroom selfies.  LOL...
  • Tito Abe always leads the fam in prayer and...  Even when I'm religious I wouldn't go "rouge", but go rote with the "Bless us oh Lord"!

    This AM 7500centfish cooked my English breakfast!!!  Well, minus the tomatoes and mushrooms.  The sausage was underwhelming.  I then made too much toast I had to finish it off by eating more bacon.  But nom nom...  I'm good till dinner.  Oh and since I ate meat on Friday, I will do my Alt Penance.  7500centfish asked me why I can't substitute for another day, like Meatless Monday?  "Because that's secular crap!"  Jesus died on a Friday and it has been a Christian thing to not eat meat on Friday as penance and suffering with Christ, but some randos on the interwebs decided to create a "cute" hashtag Meatless Monday to be more environmental conscience, so...  #catechismlesson

    We're supposed to go shopping today.  Not really for any deals.  Just things we need.  Light bulbs.  I need vitamins.  Regular groceries, like butter.  Also need to put the Christmas tree up.


    Oh yeah, our seminarian was at Mass yesterday!  And it is the guy I thought it was.  It was weird though...  Because he was in clerics and it's just weird seeing someone in clerics not participating in Mass, like in the sanctuary.  I mean, he is only a seminarian and not...  Like there are levels to official participation, so I don't think he went that far in seminary to take those steps.  I then wonder...  Can a priest just slip into Mass and be part of the "audience" or must they participate in Mass?  Once we were with Fr. Rudy and he ended up concelebrating Mass at St. E.
  • catholicism, #catechismlesson, st e, familiy chat, being a dork, music

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