Having "evil" thoughts...

Sep 12, 2021 13:54

7500centfish asked what "we" had for breakfast this AM since we had eaten at McD yesterday.  Bagels.  7500centfish then posted a pic of hot dogs and rice.  From that...  Makes me want to post my Mass tweet to Family chat.  I'm more and more motivated to buy Why We're Catholic or something similar to give to the fam for Christmas.

Dream.  Once again, I don't remember much.  Just that...  The fam was in some hotel, somewhere in the west.  Not California, but maybe Colorado?  We had all traveled there for Aures' wedding.  Mom, 7500centfish and I were in a double room, like 2 connecting rooms.  We were out and someone forgot something so we had to go back, except I didn't have a key to my part of the room.  Mom had hers to the adjoining room, but then when we entered it wasn't our room.  Someone else was there, with their stuff and Mom was trying to explain / show something to the guy.  I don't know what happened, but we  were then in our room again.  Later takyttik82 got word that Aures like scrapped the whole wedding idea and booked a trip to Las Vegas to elope.  At some point I see her and scream at her.  We had all come for her and she's just running off.  I mention me and others having to take time off / not get paid to be here.  Part of me felt that was rude.  In the sense that the sacrament of marriage is more important than jobs and the like, but I still said it.  Once again, I don't know how that was resolved.  But the next thing I remember is the fam walking down a hall, like those really long / colorful carpeted halls they have in casinos.  The floor was purple and on it were like plush beanie toy dragons.  I spot one and was like, "Ooh I want one."  So I pick it up.  geebs then says he wants one too (???) and picks one up too.  I was then feeling guilty as if I had stolen it.  But then...  Also felt it was obviously free for the taking.  I then remember sitting waiting for the rest of the fam to arrive.  durlxnemesis then showed up with a dress he had bought for his GF.  It was dark with an Asian dragon design on it.  Except it was too big for her, so he was trying to give it away.  He offered it to me.  Size 10.  WHAT!?!  I think he ended up giving it to one of his sisters.  I won't say which!  HAHAHAH!!!

Mass.  The cantor sang some song of requiem (?) before Mass.  I couldn't understand what she was saying because of her operatic singing, but soon realized it was Latin and she kept repeating Dona nobis pacem (?).  I wondered why, but then realized / guessed it was in reference to 9/11?  Mass.  Deacon said the homily.  He recounted his 9/11 story.  He was working in the financial district and happen to go to a church to pray.  People started running past and he asked what was happening.  Tower 2 had fallen.  He said eventually injured police and firefighters were being triaged in the church.  He talked of good coming from tragedy.  It was the Gospel about faith and works.  I honestly can't remember how he brought that in.  But yeah...  Once again, one of those readings that "trigger" me.  Like what works do I do that show my faith?  I don't know...  It's not evident to me and it's discouraging.  Anyway, we then had a first communion.  Pray for James.  Communion.  Matt Maher isn't waiting for me anymore.  I saw him go in the regular line.  Some lady waited till the end, but then the ushers let a ton of people from the chapel in behind her.  Some dude I saw last week snuck behind me.  But then, once again, wouldn't be alone because the other line was still going.

Parish BBQ now.  I'd go if I wasn't awkward as frak!

Went to pick up my meds, but "Rite Aid" was closed.  Registers not working.  "But I need to pick up my medicine."  Another woman said she too.  So I thought I'd come back after getting breakfast.  Got bagels.  Wasn't really in the mood, but...  What else will I eat?  They previously had a wear a mask sign, despite the decreased restrictions, but they took that down.  They did leave a note which I thought was funny...  Said they apologized for long waits.  They are understaffed.  Please don't take it out on the people who decided to come to work!  HAHAHAH!!!  Then if I ask for a dozen everything.  "You get 3 free."  Why would I want anything other than everything?  Dunkin donuts for my coffee drink.  Rite aid still closed.  Will probably try mid week.

Mom cut my hair because long hair leads men to sin!  Lol!!!  In actual, she lives vicariously through my hair and found it to be gross and uneven.  So she straightened it.  Still thinks (?) one side is thinner and wanted to cut more.  Honestly it would have been ok if she cut more.  It's up to Hadji's nose now.

Random notes.

Yankees and Mets last night.  The 9/11 game.  It felt very patriotic.  Hm...  Should I write about that?  I'm so confused...  When did 9/11 become a Right Wing Conspiracy?  Is that the right term?  As in the right wing crazies think it's some government conspiracy.  When...  In my mind...  Like one of my more right leaning Catholic tweeps is talking about how she can't go to the 9/11 museum because it's overtly patriotic.  I thought the right was overly patriotic.  But like I said...  This government conspiracy has crept in?  So that confuses me.  I mean...  I have my own reasons for not wanting to go to the memorial.  Who was it...  But was it Todd Ziele?  He said after 9/11 they had a chance to go to ground zero and he felt it was invasive.  But then the people there were like welcoming and almost relieved to have others around to celebrate for a bit.  Yeah...  I feel the invasiveness.  Like yes, it effected me, but at the same time it's not my place.  In addition, when people say they want to go there, it feels like it's a tourist attraction and not a memorial.  Anyway...

Mets game.  We lost, but it was a close game.  Back and forth for a bit.  One commentator mentioned deGrom on the DL and said someone needs to teach him to lower his velo, that it's not needed.  It kinda felt like they were implying he's not a pitcher but a thrower.  Uh...  deGrom has command at those speeds, unlike other who just throw to throw.  I'm looking at you Syndergaard!

st e, familiy chat, dream, mets thoughts

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