24 hours...

Jul 31, 2021 14:03

Collecting my urine.  Hopefully things don't get frak'd up.  I got an email to preregister the test, but when I clicked on the link it says it's no longer available.  Theoretically I just need to drop it off.  The office can call the lab with the tests.  And...  I'm worried about keeping it refrigerated for almost 24 hours after the 24 hours.  I tried to ask Dr. L for advice, he used to be a lab tech, but then he kept talking about unnecessary tests and false results.  Ugh...

In addition I feel "stressed".  Like I kinda want to go to the mall, but if I have to pee in public there is no way for me to collect it.  I really just want to go to Harmon's...  I don't want to ask Mom because she's gonna ask for my 2nd bottle of Krill Oil for herself.  Like she also took my biotin, just because the 2nd bottle is "free".  I was trying to see if I can order it for same day delivery or pick up, but my coupon is not working on line.  But then if I go the mall, I'll be freaking out because I also plan to go to confession later.  And...  As much as I love my priest, I need to go, so it can't wait.  Then I still have to do my laundry.  The last few weekends I was down till almost 10 waiting for it to dry.

Do I have anything else to write?  I had intended to write last night, but ended up going up because Mom was watching Filipino stuffs instead of switching to baseball.  So instead of watching I fell asleep.  But I don't really have notes to write.  Nor can I think of anything interesting that happened since I last wrote.

Notes (written this AM).

My necklace is too short.  My original was 18in as is this, but for the last few times I had a 20in.  But now it seems too short and keeps tucking into my scrub top.  I don't know if I should just get a long chain or wait till this breaks.

Reddit.  There have been posts about Ghosts.  One was about the Gospel where Jesus walks on water and they think he's a ghost.  The OP is like Jesus doesn't tell them there is no such thing as ghost.  There is another example he used, once again, not disregarding the existence.  The OP wanted to know what the church teaching was.  Someone mentioned this Fr. Mike vid, where it could be anything from souls in purgatory to demons.  But then there was another post about their near dying loved one saw figures.  Someone mentioned their really bitter / evil Grandmother seeing headless figures.  It just reminded me...  When Tita Sophie was dying she had told Mom she had saw Grandpa.  And...  I always wondered, why him?  She has no direct ties to him.  It's not like they are blood related.  Oh yeah...  And I had recently listened to an ep of Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World talking about near death experiences.  Like say, it was something produced by the mind.  Once again, why my Grandfather.  It's not something inherent to her.  Add to that he was protestant.  What does that say about the state of his soul?  Once again...  Maybe I'm nutty for believing in ghosts.  But...  If you profess the faith you believe in an afterlife.  What it is exactly I can't be sure, but I'm not gonna outright say there is no such things as ghosts.

There was another post.  OP is in Romania and wants to go to Mass, but is unsure if he can.  FYI, Romania is like 95% Orthodox and 5% Catholic.  I think the Catholic part is more Eastern and not Roman?  I'm not sure...  But...  They're Romanian.  Aren't they supposed to be descendants of Romans?  Eitherway, I googled where he was and was gonna comments "I know a priest..."  But then google tells me it's 7 hours away.  Woops.  His little enclave is 30% Catholic so it's not as bad as 5%.  That being said, I hear the 5% is more adherent than the 95% as well.

Thinking of getting a roku for the TV downstairs.  Not that I spend a lot of time down here that isn't watching baseball, but...  I wanted to catch up on USA / Israel Olympic baseball and it's only via streaming.  I don't want to be constantly transferring my roku up and down.  7500centfish tested my old roku.  I thought it just needed a new power supply, but nope.  It's D-E-D dead.  It's onDemand!  Watching USA v Israel.  I guess they're getting some coverage, at least in NY b/c Todd Frazier.  He won the LLWS, I know.  I don't really know his other history.  But he's NJ born and raised.  Still lives there so he's local.  Played for both the Mets and Yankees.  Should still get a roku for the TV downstairs.

  • So, what's in the box?
  • I might have fallen asleep, but Time line of Asian History just says the Philippines was several small Kingdoms and basically didn't become one till Spanish, then American colonization.  So it makes me wonder...  In a sense I see a regional pride vs national.  Like they say in Italy they identify with their town / region more than saying they are Italian.  Like...  Mom is always talking about town mates.  So I wonder if that is left over from the "small kingdoms".  Like had not Spain come would it remain as small kingdoms, would it have consolidated on its own?  And I guess if not Filipino I'd be from whatever little Kingdom was in Pangasinan and wherever my Mom's family is from...  Like where is Mom from?  I mean, she grew up in a certain place, but I don't think we came from there ancestrally.  cc 7500centfish.

    They seriously just highlighted all the scoring plays and jumped to the 7th inning.  The description says Full Game...

  • Mom is fat fingering pig emojis to me.  Lol.  Someone asked to rx meds, but they're all online now.  I don't know if her and her retired friend have access to that anymore.  I suggested they just go to urgent care or a pharmacy with a clinic.
  • Mom seems to have forgotten McD has fish...  I seriously believe out of Lent Filet-o-Fish is better.

    Oh yeah!  Yesterday was the trade deadline and the Mets got 2 players from the Cubs.  The SS, Javier Baez (?) seems to be good.  And from what I can see is the bulk of the deal.  We also got Trevor Williams.  He's currently assigned to AAA, but...  I'm excited.  If you didn't know...  I had first heard of him through was it Catholic Stuff You Should Know?  I know at some point they went to a COL vs PIT game to watch him.  Or was it like some Catholic Talk Show thing where they talked of Surprise, Catholic Athletes.  He also did an interview with Church Pop and was a Focus Missionary?  So in that sense I'm excited.  I really want to know who the chaplain for the Mets is.  Do they have a chaplain?  I've heard before the Mets are pretty secular when it comes to baseball, but at the same time I think all MLB clubs have a designated Mass at the stadium on Sundays, so.  Not that he shares those sorts of deets on social media, but he does share / is vocal about his faith so.

  • No words needed.
  • Happy Friday.  But I lol'd!
  • catholicism, buy me stuff, mets thoughts, medical

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