Almost didn't write.

Nov 11, 2020 22:51

Youtube was down.  After I eat I go up and do Evening prayer, but after that I relax a bit and check my social media while watching youtube vids.  But then youtube was down...  I ended up watching a movie on the Camino, Travel Light.  The intro (or trailer?) said it won a lot of awards.  But from the start I was getting the vibe it was more a secular spiritual journey thing vs a religious one.  Then...  Like the narrator's voice over was loud, but everything else was hard to hear, the interviews.  The music was kinda annoying.  Anyway...  They had a religious thing here or there.  But nothing went in depth, not even the interviews they did of the people they met.  Like...  She really connected with this one girl and you don't get much from her other than she was discontent with life and was trying to go on some spiritual journey, but also her sister has serious mental disease and her brother has down syndrome.  But even then it was too surface, no connection to these people.  Then when they reached Santiago de Compostela they have a clip of the giant censer swinging like it's just some show and not Mass.  There was no reverence to it.  I still need to watch The Way, but then I saw the trailer.  Uh...  He spreads his freaking ashes!?!  Ugh...  Maybe I'm romanticizing it and it really is just a secular journey.

Cuomo took some measure to stop the spread of covid.  Bars / places that sell alcohol need to close after 10, indoor private gatherings can't be more than 10 people.  Other stuff...  I don't see anything about changes in worship.  And...  As I tweeted I'm more concerned about that vs any family gathering.  I've seriously seem my church peeps more than my actual family.  Like...  I honestly don't even care that we're not having holiday parties.  Maybe when the time gets closer that may change.  But it's more a curiosity on how we'll make it work vs wanting to physically be with my family.  Lol.  I sound so cold!  Just give me a freaking honey baked ham on TG and / or Christmas and I'm a happy girl.  I may just sleep in on the 31st.  Ooh...  The 25th and the 1st are Fridays!  3 day weekend!

More Catholic Answers commentary.  Someone called in about Bishop Barron's "Dare We Hope".  Am I missing something?  Like...  People call him a heretic.  He wasn't the first one to propose it.  Basically...  What I get from it, can't we have the hope that through God's grace everyone will be saved?  But supposedly that's a bad thing b/c "narrow the road", etc.  I feel like people are reading too much into it like some sort of faith alone statement.  That do whatever, God will save us b/c of his mercy for us.  I don't know...  I don't get people's gripe with Bishop Barron.

I chatted with 7500centfish...  Started talking food, but then she had to ruin it with peanut butter.  Yuck.  She was cooking caramel and I was craving candy apples.

Random tweet comment.  One of my twitter peeps will post various Catholic things and ask us to rank.  And I do at times if I have an option.  Lol.  One was modern tabernacles.  Ew.  But then I've been ranking random fandom post that post 4 pics.  Like...  One was of Jesse Quin's hair styles, then Tom pics.  Still waiting on Tim!  But then SNY had Jacob deGrom.  It was 1 picture cut into 4.  I then ranked his throwing arm 1, then his back leg 2, face 3, planting leg 4.  But then...  Which leg creates the power???  Is it the back or the planting leg?  B/c I think their is still a like swinging pivoting motion with the front / planting leg that creates more momentum?  I don't know...


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