Remember when I complained about not dreaming..

Oct 27, 2020 21:18

Well I had a dream last night.  I don't even remember much...  But I was driving down the service road with someone.  I felt like we were going on a stakeout for some conspiracy theory.  FYI...  I was driving in a car with...  Someone I went to school with.  Possibly my HS crush, but he looked nothing like him.  Anyway, we were driving to my other HS classmates house and we hit a detour, but it was convenient.  Anyway, we were waiting at a cross section of this classmates house waiting for them and we were just chatting.  He then confessed he's loved me for x years, actually from the beginning, but he just got the courage to tell me.  I then confessed that I loved him too, but not in that way.  Lol.

In find it funny...  I basically started obsessing over him b/c of a dream I had in the 6th grade where people stood under a spot light and your crush was reveled.  So yeah...  Probably b/c all the other guys I went to school with I've been going to school with for year and he was fresh meat.  My google-fu skills tell me he's in real estate / engaged to a lawyer.  Update.  He works in insurance.

Got another bottle of "Unicorn Gold" which was leaky.  This time instead of a replacement w/o mailing it back, they wanted me to send it back to return.  Uh...  It's a leaky bottle and you want me to send it back through the mail?  After chatting with an automated bot, I eventually got a person.  And they initiated a replacement.  They said I don't need to return it, but then when I check my orders there is a "return" request.  And...  Unlike other times I had no way to save the chat transcript nor was it emailed to me.  In the past I got notified to return an item I was told to "do with as I please" and had email convos to back it up.  This time no.  I mean, if they really want me to send a bag of smelly liquid in the mail...

I really need to sit down and watch this...  Death & The Catholic Church | The Catholic Talk Show.  And if I were brave enough I'd want to share it with the family.  But then again, many times I've been disappointed with the actual content of the episodes / conversation vs the topic.  As I said...  At the end of it I hope X has a happy death (in the Catholic sense).  And...  Like I said.  It's a process.  And...  What if she lives for years?  It's just good to be close to the Church and be spiritually ready whenever the time comes.  Aside from that...  Part of me is selfish when I pray for the younger generation coming back to the Church.  B/c no matter how much 7500centfish says she will take care of me she might not be there.  And just b/c I make my wishes known, doesn't mean it will be carried out or they will even know what it means.  And it scares me.  The Aunts are fortunate to have nieces and nephews that care for them.  I will not have that.

I think I'm dehydrated...

I had crazy thoughts...  Of having TG at our place, but like eat outdoors.  We have a fire pit.  We can have one of those outdoor heaters.  Sit 6ft apart.  Wear masks otherwise.  Maybe I'm being over cautious, but...  I'm still not comfortable with "outsiders" without masks.  But then again...  Who is gonna prep / pay for TG?  Not me!  HAHAHA!!!

Started listening to an ep of Catching Foxes.  It's a Catholic podcast.  I guess it's popular?  But I don't really listen.  I think I've heard eps with Fr. Mike Schmitz and CSYSK.  This ep had Clerically Speaking.  I kinda got bored b/c it was 100 mins long and when I looked it was still 40 mins left.  Anyway, my one comment was Fr. Anthony said, "Your parish priest is more important than the Pope."  👏👏👏  I mean, it had to do with what the pope said, but he also mentioned that people seek out Catholics on social media b/c they're not receiving spiritual guidance from their own pastors.  And...  Honestly since the pandemic / Fr. I starting his social media, I've been turning to #TwitterPriest less.  Well...  More #YouTubePriest.  Like...  I barely catch a Fr. Mike Schmitz homily or Bishop Barron.  I was even watching random interweb priests I stumbled on.  Yeah, not so much anymore.  Anyway...  I once heard really all you need to know about the Pope is his name and to pray for him.  Fr. Anthony also said, basically your parish priest has more influence on the state of your soul than the Pope does.

Still laughing about Fr. I laughing at my confession!

  • I asked Mom to get ground beef and lima beans.  The grocery store didn't have lima beans.  Mom got soy beans instead.  They look the same to me.  Mom said lima beans are bigger / flatter.  As I was eating...  They're not as mushy.  Mom said soy beans are also more hard than mushy.  Yuck.
  • Noticed a new Hawaiian restaurant near work.  Per the online menu it doesn't sound so great.  When we went to Hawaii I wasn't a fan to begin with.  Everything tasted like poi.  Like seriously, even the lechon.  Yuck.  7500centfish was then listing off Hawaiian foods.  I thought I found a better menu, but it turns out it was a different restaurant in Las Vegas.  Like it had Filipino foods too!  This one just has like rice bowls and ramen.  Boring.
  • Mom asked if she had instagram.  No.  I tried to make her one when we first started streaming Mass, but then her tablet at the time was too old to dl it.  I didn't know if she wanted an account now so she could see the post on the family saint yesterday.  But then I just ended up screen capping / emailing it to her.

  • Lol...  Too many Roman Catholics on the Supreme Court.
  • #youtubepriest, catholicism, crush, dream, #twitterpriest

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