Fr. I is now following Elliot.

Jul 12, 2020 17:57

Lol.  I need help!

Went to the 11:30 A.M. Mass again.  I like sitting inside, but I dislike the later hour.  He joked about the 9AM Mass saying we'll be having outdoor Mass for Christmas!  He also posted a picture from this AM.  I'm not sure if it was from actual Mass or before, but it seems like there are less people.  Our place is still empty.  And it looks like there are not many people in the circle vs the last time we went.  Maybe it's getting too hot and people are hiding in the bushes.  (Listening to a Matt Fradd / Mike Schmitz vid)  Anyway, the 11:30 AM Mass was filled like last week.  There was a First Communion as well this AM, 2 actually.  I thought it might be a Quinceanera.  Anyway...  I don't know if the bulk of people are still coming to the 9AM vs the rest.  Or all Masses are filling up.  I did calculations again.  We've been getting 70% of the money and...  I think only 60% attendance?  Either people are giving more, or people not coming are giving.  Also people who never gave could have given too.  Or maybe the lost income is the Easter crowd?  Anyway, he genuinely looked happy to see the church filling up.  He also mentioned we're getting back to celebrating the sacraments.  (Trying Fr. Mike on Evangelization: Telling the Story of God’s Love, it may be a repeat of other things I've listened to recently...)

Oh first, I've been waking up around 5 b/c Mom "Watches" Filipino stuff so I wake up to the sounds of the TV.  I also heard her snoring so...  But then this AM I saw her sitting at the computer, looking at the TV, so I was weirded out doing my prayer...  I eventually did my Morning Offering, then surfed the web a bit.  Tried to sleep.  Did my Rosary.  Tried to sleep.  Eventually Mom did other things, so I did the remainder of my prayer (Morning Prayer and reading the Roman Martyrology for the day.  I also read the daily readings, but since I live streamed Mass last night, I read those readings yesterday.)  I then had breakfast around 8.  Mom was watching Filipino Mass so she didn't cook anything.  I had left over Popeye's Chicken.  Coffee.  Shower.

Ugh...  Doing stuff just takes the energy out of me.  It also started the discomfort.  I was holding my belly again.  My leg hurt...  But it seems to get better with use.  I'm still hobbling, but it's better.  They said it's OK to shower, but I think the glue is becoming less and less there is less protection and I felt like it was sticky / my shirt kept getting stuck to the wound.  It's irritated.

After Mass got bagels.  Had that for lunch.  I then cut them up and put them in the ref for the week.

I then went to rest.  OMG...  Cramps!!!  Like, I was already having the low grade cramps I've been having for weeks.  But this was worse!  Not the worse that I've had...  But enough to make me uncomfortable and not want to do anything.  Mom thinks it's just gas.  But...  I've been having BMs.  Not sure if I'm passing gas more than I usually am, or less...  I don't feel bloated.  Either way, I took the last ibuprofen and sat for a bit.  Feeling better...  But then I accidentally threw my tablet across the couch / it fell to the floor.  Stood up to get it, got crazy glue, did other things.  Ugh the pain again.  Like...  I don't know.  I feel like I'm getting better, but any little thing I do, it like incapacitates me for hours!  I was planning to do my laundry, little by little, but...  This is becoming another day of just sitting around.  That being said, I think I'll be cleared to go back to work by the MD.  I just don't know if I can tolerate a full day.

Oh according to my notes...  I started feeling pain after I bent down to pick something up.  After that my muscles around my big scar tensed up.  Then showering, church, etc...  Tired.

Text to 7500centfish...

Realized yesterday was 7-11.  But then they canceled their free Slurpee promo b/c of the 'Rona...  Sad face!

  • I feel like #CatholicTwitter just discovered Trevor Williams...  He's a pitcher for the Pirates.  I knew of him via CSYSK.  They talked about him a few times.  And have gone to Rockies v Pirates games b/c of him.  I think they might have mentioned him on some other podcast too...  I don't remember.  Anyway, he also does commercials for Catholic Answers, was interviewed at #Seek2019 about Catholic Culture in Baseball.  Rewatching the interview.  Oh...  He was a Focus missionary?  Or just talking about to being able to go to Focus conferences?  He goes to daily Mass in the cities he travels to.  Where does he go when he's at Citi Field?  What hotel do teams usually stay at?  Anyway, I saw a few people on twitter quote tweet they were now fans b/c he wrote "Ora et labora" and then #FeastOfStBenedict.
  • Someone posted "You’ve just been canceled. The sixth picture in your camera roll is the person/thing you got canceled for supporting/believing in."  And of course my picture was a "screencap" of that Ordination I saw yesterday.  So I tweeted that.  Also with the Gospel Antiphon (?) for Sat Mass.  "If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of God rests upon you." - 1 Peter 4:14  So yeah, pretty much.
  • #feastofstbenedict, #catholictwitter, #seek2019

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