
Jul 11, 2020 16:25

I tripped and fell.  Now the skin on my shin is swollen.  I think I hit a vein directly, in addition, I was injected with a blood thinner prior to surgery so...  Anyway, after a bit of laziness and hunger, I got up from the couch to eat.  I was carrying my unfinished cup of coffee from breakfast and my tablet.  I then got the computer plug stuck in my slipper, tried to shake it loose, but fell onto the kneeler chair, then onto the floor / half draped over the elliptical.  I know for a fact I didn't hurt anything on my abdomen...  At least not physically (?), like I didn't hit it against anything, but who knows...  Maybe the muscle strain in falling / keeping myself stable did something.  Not in great pain, but I'm starting to have my low grade abdo cramps I've gotten after walking.  So...  Mom heard and came to my "help"...  Well, only after I hobbled to the kitchen and washed off my arm which had coffee all over it.  I then sat on the couch and Mom sprayed some antiseptic on my cut, put an ice pack on my leg.  She's now wiping the floor clean.  When should I ask her to get me something to eat?  Lol...  I might just eat dinner at this point.  After eating I was gonna shower and prep for 5PM Mass.  I guess we'll have to go to 11:30 Mass again since I still don't want to carry the chairs.  In addition, I was thinking of slowly doing my laundry in smaller / lighter loads.  I guess I'm prepping to go back to work Wednesday or Thursday.  But...  Part of me wants to not be cleared.  I just don't want to go to work.  And like I said, I kinda want to do things at home first.  I don't know...  Part of me wants to go back part time for a bit, but...  I don't think I can afford that.  I honestly don't know if I'm getting paid for this time / will have health insurance for next month.  I mean...  I'll pay for it, I just don't know if I'll get reimbursed.  I also paid for my car already.  Mom took some loan money, so...

They "came".  Mom was gonna meet up with them at the Mall.  But I told her not to eat with them.  She then said if we eat it will be outdoors.  I said...  It's not enough.  It doesn't make sense to me to eat together without masks and call that social distancing.  Mom just ended up getting money from Tita Nette and going to the bank.  7500centfish said at least Mom is listening now.

One of my twitter peeps was ordained today!  Like...  He actually follows me.  So now I have 2 #TwitterPriests that follow me.  He started following after a post of his showed up in my feed asking, "What fictional character would you want as your spiritual director?"  I responded with Bishop Myriel from Les Mis.  He was...  A 3rd year seminarian at that point?  Or whatever is before the deaconate.  Do they graduate as priests or deacons?  Like when they get their actual M.Div degrees?  Cause I think 4th year is a liturgical year, but you're not a deacon?  Then the deaconate, then priest?  I dunno...  Anyway... I watched his ordination online.  Diocese of Richmond.  I dunno...  For some reason there are a lot of Twitter Seminarians / Priest from DC / VA / CUA.  Anyway, I posted onto family chat and Jhumna responded / asked how I was.  Mom hasn't made a comment, considering she asked me about my twitter follows...

Lol...  Fr. I used Buddy Jesus in his daily Gospel Quote instagram story!  And I have the urge to follow him with my Elliot account.  I mean...  I've tagged him enough in my other account for him to know it's also me.  But lol...  I think I accidentally saw one of his stories as Elliot early on as well.  Woops.

Now I'm sleepy and...  Like weird.  I don't feel I'm bleeding internally.  No real pain, so...

Random note time!

Buy Me Stuff!!!  As I said (?), I've been watching a lot of Two Set Violin.  I want their merch!!!  Musician Jumper and Sheet music bag.  I kinda want to learn a new song, but...  Yeah, I barely leave the couch.  I brought sheet music down and browsed stuff to play.  I just barely got to the piano itself.  So lazy...  So crippled!

Yesterday and when I fell...  I knocked out the plug to the laptop and therefore accidentally shut down the computer.  :(  I was intending to get a new / cheap laptop before HH if we went, but now...  I mean, sure it's on windows 7.  Maybe I'm being risque and not caring / still using it.  But...  It's still usable (?).  Do I need to update?  Should I just get a new battery?  On Amazon they go for like 20 to 30 bucks.

Awkward transition!  Recently I've been seeing a lot of questions from protestants about the primacy of Rome.  Like...  I just don't get their hang up.  Like it's not Rome, but Peter.  An apologist commented the Church didn't start in Rome.  It started in Jerusalem, then Antioch, then Rome...  Peter and Paul died in Rome, it was the so called center of the world at the time.  That's why Rome stuck.

Lol...  I miss sleeping on my side.  My back has been bothering me.  Normally I sleep on my side, but...  Sleeping on my side applies pressure on my incision sites.  So...  One again...  I really need to transition upstairs, but...  I don't know.  It's weird.

Mom is getting me tuna and crackers.

buy me stuff, #twitterpriests

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