Go me?

Jul 24, 2019 22:49

I had other stuff to write about at first.  I guess it's kinda an extension of last entry about me being selfish, even in my prayer.  Like I was feeling it's all about me and how I feel.  That the pursuit of spirituality is about me feeling better about myself and not about God, which it should be.  But then...  Is it really?  I mean, yes, I'm always praying to be a better person, to follow God's will, for community.  But as always, am I being too hard on myself?  I pray for my family...  Which I guess could be an extension of me.  But then I pray for the Church, my parish, my priest...  Ugh...  Even then it's all my, my.  I don't know...  It just feels selfish right now.

In other news...  I still haven't found the time to really work on Spiritual exercises / the Examen.  I've heard podcast clips, but nothing really deeply goes into it.  I probably have to google / read up on it to really get into it.  And like I said, I want to get a journal.  And of course, I'm always fighting sleep.

Still struggling on whether I should go to confession on Sat.  Lol...  Is wearing shorts into confession inappropriate?  I mean...  I always go behind the screen, but like I said...  My priest pretty much told me it's useless.  HAHAHA!!!  I mean, it's Saturday, it's hot and I want to wear shorts!

So...  The Mets added advertising to its foul poles.  Ew...  And I'm honestly surprised my reaction is in line with most Mets fans.  It's not the company they're against, it's the fact there is any ad at all.  BTW, the company is Chick-fil-A, which already has a billboard in CitiField.  Anyway, T7L posted a column about the signage, citing the religious views of the company, but all the pictures / twitter posts were about the obstructive view of them.  Anyway, so I RT Comment saying my piece.  Peace?  K responds...  My initially reaction was to ignore it.  But then...  I don't even remember what my next reaction was.  I didn't feel angered, but...  Like it was an opportunity to evangelize...  I then sat on it, to get my thoughts together so I was writing a sentence here, a sentence there as the day went by.  I thought of tweeting...  Praying on this.  Lol.  I eventually responded on the toilet!  HAHAHA!!!  Anyway, I ate dinner, began my prayer...  I get a response.  I immediately see it's one of praise.  Still in my prayer, some rando commented on my "don't work there" with "Not everyone can just walk away from their job. What a nice position to be in..."  My initial response was...  That's a stupid response!  Like...  Then leave when you can!  Seriously, what kind of argument is that?  Set your priorities.  If it's something you're truly against, if you can't leave at a drop of a hat, then leave when you can.  If you can't leave at all, well...  Then do something to counter it.

Do I have notes?

Came into work and Marna was listening to Praise And Worship songs.  No.  Lol...  I joked (to myself...)  Should I report this to HR?  Meaning her.  Lol.  There are also pictures of Jesus in nooks and crannies and a statue of Mary (a glow in the dark one!) in the house.  FYI, Marna grew up 7th Day Adventist, but I think she's some Non-Denom Evangelical these days.  I catch her watching Joel Osteen at times...  I then joked (to myself again) "says the girl who listens to Catholic podcast all day, some of which have priest as the album art"!  HAHAH!!!

Tweets.  The above "note" was also a tweet so...
  • Religious knowledge quiz...  Having gone to Catholic school and actually learning about religion I got a 15 of 15.  I did guess on the Buddhist question and over thought the Jewish Sabbath Q.  I mean...  According to the Bible the next day begins at sundown, so technically it would be Saturday, but I choose Fri b/c of secular reasons.
  • Boss man said one of our patients was drafted to the minor leagues.  I googled, actually he was signed as a minor league free agent to the Angels from LIU.  Family confuses me...  Bunch of red headed Italians!  Probably half Irish, but whatever!
  • catholicism, mets

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