Hungry, but not...

Jul 14, 2019 19:00

All we have to eat are bagels and I ate them for lunch and dinner yesterday.

I honestly completely forgot why I sat down to write...

Oh yeah...  Like I said, I'm on my period and...  It honestly frustrates me, that the D&C was no use.  Maybe b/c on I'm progesterone, which "regulates" my period.  But...  It just means I bleed monthly now, vs maybe 3 times a year.  In addition it's heavy.  Previously when heavy / prolonged, at least I wasn't having cramps and feeling like crap.  It was the times it was slow flowing do the cramps bother me.  It's like both situations in one now.  Add to that, it's day 2 of heavy bleeding and I'm exhausted, occasionally out of breath.  I don't look pale, yet...  I don't know what the next step would be.

Church.  Nothing much to say.  Mom mentioned calling the parish office to get a Mass for next year.  I added...  Where do I even go next weekend?  Mom was like the rectory?  I thought that was just his house.  Is the office in there?  I checked the website and it said the parish office is closed on Saturday, so...  But then the parish life center is open.  I dunno...  I'll probably email Fr. I on Friday or so.

After breakfast...  What is it with DD not having the Kit Kat Coolata!?!  On the road Friday, they ran out of it.  Then this AM they only advertised the Cookies and Cream (gross) and the Heath Bar.  I ended up asking for my "regular" Oreo and Cookies Cappuccino Blast.  Except they didn't have that either.  (It's a combo DD and BR.)  They ended up giving me a Jamocha (?) cappuccino blast with cookies blended into it.  Ok.  Tasted fine.  Anyway, after breakfast...  Mom and I went to the cemetery.  She though it was Grandma's anniversary, it was yesterday.  The Aunts mentioned me staying so I can go to Mass with them in the AM.  I love you Grandma, but...  Yeah, I want to sleep in my bed.  Hahaha...  I remembered when I used to sleep with Grandma I'd sneak off to my room b/c it was cooler.  She'd then come in the middle of night and make me come back.  :p

Afterward we went Bedbath.  Mom bought her Keurig coffees / teas.  I got a descaler.  The light didn't light up, but it seemed like it wasn't giving a full cup, etc.  So I cleaned it out.  I also got a filter, which has never been replaced after how many years...  OMG, that took forever.

Rando notes.

I guess the new thing on Twitter is...  Unless Jesus said it...  Jesus never talked about this, Jesus never talked about that.  Like it's not good enough something is in the bible.  Jesus had to have said it.  Totally not taking the Trinity, or even God the Father or the Holy Spirit into consideration.  I suspect people who say such things don't practice a faith either way so...  Why should I care?

I was looking for Vatican "merch" and stumbled on Redbubble  LOL!  What do some of those shirts even mean!?!  I love my Hot Vatican Boyfriend!?!  I suspect they just take any random City / Country and make a tshirt.  They even have like half Vatican / Half American like it's a legit Nationality...  That being said...  I think any Catholic should be able to claim Vatican citizenship!  HAHAHA!  This is cute, but too bad I don't wear dresses.  Seriously considering getting this sweater.

Saw this Youtube vid.  Would you survive the Titanic?  I always base those type of things on what my parents occupations are....  B/c I'm basically an overgrown child living off my parents...  Anyway, I suspect I'd be 2nd class?  And being a woman I'd probably survive.  But then...  They did mention like working class immigrants being in 3rd class, so...  Maybe not?

  • Crazy Jim Caviezel sneezed into his hand again before the sign of peace... :|
  • The original Les Mis in London closed.  It's reopening with the new staging in Dec.  Honestly that saddens me.  There was something lacking in the newest revival.  As I mentioned the reveal of the dead students is lost without the rotating stage.  And there was something about the minimal scenery that made you focus on the performance vs what's going on.  What I wrote in 2013.
  • Today's reading was the Good Samaritan and like my church, many focus on being the Good Samaritan, while sometimes we need to realize we're the man lying in the road half dead, in need of someone with oil and wine to heal us.  (Someone else tweeted that.)  But in my weekly tweet I added that my favorite interpretation is Jesus being the Samaritan and the oil and wine represent the sacraments and the inn is the Church.
  • I wanted to wear my "France Before Pants" shirt for Bastille Day...  But didn't.  Lol.

    Mom cooked spaghetti.
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