Sightseeing x2...

Dec 28, 2018 21:12

I haven't written about our yearly trip into the city to see a bway play!  I did semi mention it when I mentioned having to go to church on Sat and not wanting to go to a stranger church...  Anyway, this year geebs chose Mean Girls.  I had never seen the movie so...  I then also question if I had grown up now, would I even be a fan of musicals?  I'm more a fan of "classic" musicals or...  Story lines that take place in a period setting.  Anyway, we left the house around 7.  Brought Poops to doggie daycare, then headed to Queens.  They were already out of church, so we got geebs and ubered into the city to meet at some restaurant.  Red Rooster?  It was southern cuisine.  I got a Breakfast "pie"  It was more pulled pork in potatoes.  It wasn't bad, just it was very heavy.  After that we went to Bryant Park...  I went to the Mets store.  It was...  Like they put a majority of the merch on the walls and there wasn't much in the back / middle.  Like there wasn't much merch at all.  Maybe they're clearing stock?  But then why wouldn't there be like a clearance section?  Anyway...  I thought of buying socks, but they were all large and 30 bucks...  For a pair of socks!?!

We then went to the theater.  The only cast member I knew was from Grease You're The One That I Want, Kate Rockwell.  The show was funny.  Don't remember any of the songs, in content or performance...  But it was fun.

Beside Moulin Rouge, there aren't many shows I want to see...  But then again I've been out of the bway loop for a bit.

Yesterday we went to CT.  I've been looking forward to this since I heard the "Terror" Exhibit was going to CT!  Prior to that I was thinking of a trip to Canada...  Anyway, it was in Mystic, CT.  durlxnemesis wanted to hang out mid week and 7500centfish mentioned we were going to do this.  So we invited he and geebs along.  I think we arrived in Queens about 9 and then drove 3 hours into CT.  Haha...  At first I wanted to make a seafaring day of it...  Taking the Ferry over to CT...  But they were all sold out except the 7AM one and 7500centfish said it was $115 one way.  Uh...  No thanks.  I did make everyone listen to the Master And Commander soundtrack.  Lol.  We attempted to get a pizza somewhere, but the place we first decided on had an hour or so wait.  So we went to this almost deli like place near by.  I had a ham sandwich.  It was good...  But then I woke up later that night and was throwing it up...  Not sure why that is.  Anyway, we then headed to the museum.

It was basically the artifacts of the Franklin Expedition that was lost back in 1845 to 1848 or so...  I mean, it had some good stuff...  But I felt it could have gone more into it.  Like...  It skimmed the surface.  I didn't get the human story.  Maybe it's just conjecture...  But like they had these pair of gloves and...  I pointed out there was a heart sewn into the palm.  It's barely visible, but if you know to look for it.  Then...  As far as I saw...  There is no mention of the Peglar papers.  I mean...  I think I remember it having poetry and an occasional fragmented history of what was going on...  "Terror Camp Clear" and stuff like that.  A lot of the exhibit was more on the search for them vs what they think happened to them and who they were.  I'm more interested in the latter.  Hm...  They did mention cannibalism and the evidence for them...  But they didn't mention the Hickey Knife.  Lol...  I guess they don't want to drag his name in the mud.  For all we know maybe he wasn't bad at all.  Anyway, the rest of the Mystic Seaport Museum was like an old timey village like Old Bethpage, without the period performers.  Overall I thought it was good.

In other news...  I think next time if I have limited off days, I'm just gonna take days off that we have something planned.  Literally Mom and 7500centfish sleep and watch TV all day.  We had the ref delivered today and plan was to go out and get some food...  But only b/c Mom thought tomorrow was NYE.  When she realized it wasn't that was kiboshed.  I showered and everything.

trips, broadway

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