My mind is all messed up!

Nov 08, 2018 01:29

Kinda a continuation of the previous entry...  I saw a youtube vid on what not to confess.  He said emotions are not sins.  Being angry isn't a sin.  It's when anger turns to wrath.  Not that I'm all pious...  Then what am I supposed to confess???  Is that fact that my anger turns to not wanting to help / do anything, in a sense avoidance make it a sin?  Or do I need to physically lash out?  What makes a lustful thought as bad as sex?  Then the examination of conscience for single / celibate ones mention are you having intercourse and leaving it at that.  So...  In those cases is using contraception a sin?  Like I said, is it relative?  Or am I being too Jesuitical.  Lol...  I really don't know what that means, I'm paraphrasing Brideshead Revisited.  Anyway...  Just watching that vid...  I was trying to curb my anger, but now...  It's kinda like, if it's not a sin, why try to stop it?  It really messed me up.  Then today Marna was telling me something and I was blurting things under my breath.  So yeah...  I don't feel as "clean" as I used to.  Ugh...  Am I being scrupulous?  Lol...  I don't even know if I'm using that correctly.

So sleepy.

Took me forever to start packing.  I did laundry last night and...  Maybe only started packing (I'm finished kinda) about an hour or so ago.  I just need to put in my toiletries after I shower in the AM.  I'm also uploading CSYSK to my mp3 player.  I plan to just put it on shuffle and fall asleep on the plane.

They had a podcast.  I don't even remember what the main topic was.  They mentioned going to mass one AM and happened upon a Filipino mass and...  They said it was familiar, yet odd.  It started off with a roll call of sorts and they thought it was amusing and thought of incorporating it into their masses.  But then the language made it hard to follow, yet b/c all masses are pretty much the same they still got it.

They then did a podcast on funeral after suicide.  Surprisingly there is a...  Not a special mass...  But they use different wording when someone has commited suicide, like we hope with God's Mercy they will be shown forgiveness or something like that.  Interesting stuff.

I then found a vid of some guy explaining the "Roman" Catholic Church.  Basically saying the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus, but then Constantine founded the Roman Catholic Church and that's when all the stereotypic papist ritual / heresies started.  OK then.

Oh and another vid debunked Christmas being in Dec to...  What is the term?  Basically to replace a pagan holiday.  Their main argument was, then why do orthodox celebrate it on Jan 6?  It had to do with the day Jesus was Crucified, which was the same day, years before obviously, that he was conceived.  And depending on (You) Roman(s) or Orthodox, 9 months later is Dec 25 or Jan 6th.

Is that all my notes?  Just wanted to get in a "quick" one.  I'm really not in the mood to socialize right now.


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