Two Entries

Oct 26, 2018 02:21

I don't know how I'm supposed to fall asleep...

The interwebs keeps going on and off.  I seem to be connected to the wifi, via my tablet, but not my comp...  But then I can't get on the web.  I think it's an optimum thing b/c I can't even connect to that wifi from the street or school or whatever.  Hm...  The library is being renovated and is temp moving to the school next door.  I wonder if I'll be able to use their wifi at some point.  Anyway...  As I told 7500centfish of my frustration...  "I dunno how I'm gonna sleep without listening to a priest talking about the catechism!"  LOL!!!  I crack myself up!  Therefore, I don't know when this will get posted either.

Dr. L and Marna are going on vacay again.  For some reason she never likes to say where she's going till they're actually going, but Leyda was able to get it out of her.  They're going on a cruise again, Caribbean, Jamaica, Cuba and...  There was somewhere else.  I don't think the DR...  Anyway, it's in Dec and it conflicted with my MD appt.  I tried to reschedule, but they didn't have anything till Feb.  It messes up with my Endo appts / blood draw so I asked if I could keep the appt anyway.  Marna said she'd open the office 9 to 5, instead of 10 to 6.

Dr. L told me I need to vote to counter Nostradamus's predictions.  OK...  He saw a new (?) documentary about how someone recalculated the dates and the world is gonna become socialist and all religions will be persecuted.  Like I said, OK...  At this point I'm gonna say I didn't vote just to avoid conversation.

So thoughts from the podcast (Catholic Stuff You Should Know) I listen to.
  • I found it hilarious!  Basically 2 of them, Priests, are in Rome studying and when they first came over they had to watch a Resident Alien video, like about where their kids have to go to school, where to get free contraception.  LOL!  The one guy was like...  "I'm a celibate watching this video with the Sisters of Charity", AKA Mother Theresa's people.  HAHAHA!!!
  • Oh, today was a good episode about the Dead Sea Scrolls.  Basically giving evidence there was a messianic culture among Jews and it wasn't just some invention after the fact.  Ugh...  I wish I had interwebs to look it up and expand on it.
  • Not the podcast, but random youtube vids.  I found it funny all the pro Catholic videos, the comments are about how priests are pedophiles, but pro protestant videos are about how Jesus found Catholicism.

    Steady Wifi!

    But I'm awake b/c I fell asleep for 2 hours after dinner.

    Work, Dr. L was in a mood today.  Basically screaming at people who weren't even in today saying they messed up and asking me and Marna, "So what are you gonna do about it?" and telling Marna she's not teaching correctly.  Basically people who just come in for flu shots don't get their insurance checked / are just written on a list which I then bill.  But they've been writing all flu vaccines in the book, whether they come for just the vaccine, other vaccines, sick visits or well cares.  These need to be billed differently.  Basically b/c I had billed all the flu vaccines written on the list, those that came with other vaccines / other visits will have denials b/c the system reads them as duplicates.  So...  It creates a hassle, extra work for me, b/c I then have to rebill / correct them.  Hence the hissy fit.  In addition to that, I guess it adds more work on me b/c now I have to check if the patient had anything else done instead of just blindly submitting claims.  Anyway, when one of my coworkers came in Marna and Dr. L's explanation to her didn't clear anything up in my opinion.  They just said if they come in for flu...  Not...  If they *only* came in for flu and nothing else, write it on the list.  Long story short, the office is a mess.

    There is this dude on Twitter that keeps DMing me and...  I take days to respond to him.  I really don't know why I even respond at all.  He triggers a lot of red flags.  I dunno, it's weird.  I don't even remember...  But he keeps friending me and I'd be unfriended so he'd say please follow back like for some reason his twitter keeps unfriending people.  And it honestly feels like it's for attention.  Then his DMs are like random LGMs.  He hadn't DMd in a while till this week he asked me who I'm rooting for in the WS.  No one...  He's like my Dad and Grandpa are sick I just need something to keep my mind off things.  Uh...  I don't want to talk to you!!!  So I give him some short / impersonal response.  I honestly have been barely on Twitter recently anyway.  I don't even care I can't read all my tweets anymore.  I feel like unfollowing half of the people at this point.  I just don't care about things anymore.  Anime...  Football...  All my Mets peeps turn football in the off season.

    Instead of Twitter I've been scrolling reddit.  Mostly the Catholic one.  Seems like most are on the conservative side...  Like Latin Mass conservative types...  As much as I love Latin in the church, I do like my 8AM mass.  Lol.  And youtube.  I think I posted my links before.

    More podcast ponderings...
  • Fr. Nepil mentioned he bought a cassock from some boogie Italian place.  OMG!!!  I need a picture of him in a cassock!  HAHAHA!!!  7500centfish seriously told a priest I have a thing for them.  OMG!!!  N.B.  Me finding a priest hot is not a sexual thing!!!
  • Speaking of sexual...  Once again a good podcast today.  Celibatio Celebratio.  Basically about virginity and celibacy.  Oh...  And that makes me think.  There are married catholic priests today.  It's my understanding they converted in from either Episcopalian or Eastern churches.  And...  Via church tradition, there were married priest in the past, but they continued living in continence, basically their wife became like a sister, they stopped having sex.  Is that still practiced today?  Then...  As I said, I don't really like the podcasts by the Byzantine Catholic guy.  He's not married, but in their church you have to be married already, but if you come in single you have to remain celibate.  Then a married priest has different duties than a celibate.  Like I think they said something like the married does more community things, while the celibate does more personal things, like listening to confession and stuff like that, it's a higher calling in a sense.
  • But OMG the end...  Hilarious!  Basically they do emails / shoutouts and I wish I could link the exact point.  I don't even know how far into the podcast it is.  It's literally at the end.  Basically he's imitating a guy / his accent and there is patriotic music playing.  "When America blesses God, God blesses America!"  And the other priest is laugh / crying in the background.  I was laughing silently in my seat at work.  Someone seeing me from behind must have thought I was convulsing or something.
  • catholicism

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