Oh, so before we saw the show...

Apr 30, 2017 19:02

TC told me to explain the background of it for her a bit.  What was it, etc.  I'm not sure...  But I knew the comet was a harbinger of the coming of Napoleon to Russia.  TC is then like what year is it.  I'm like..  Uh...  Thinking in my head, Napoleon, around regency.  I initially say early 1800s.  But then I was like duh!  1812!  And I guess the comet also signaled the war of 1812.  It was actually visible from 1811 to 1812.  I then had to explain my whole love of Sonya and Nikolai.  Basically they are cousins and loved each other / wanted to marry, but because of the family situation he needed to marry into money.  He ends up marrying Andrei's plain sister who he actually falls in love with, but then Sonya ends up lonely and alone.  :(  #TeamSonya.  And at least in the miniseries...  At least how I remember.  I had only seen it once and my memory is crap.  They were driven out to their country ancestral homes from Moscow b/c the Russian army took over their current homes during the war.  And while they're out in the country, they're in some hut in Siberia (not literally, I don't know...) riding a sleigh, all happy looking up at the comet which is more a sign of hope than a harbinger of doom.  But then maybe I'm misinterpreting things with my crap memory.

The Mets lost by 23 runs...  Well, 5 to 23.  Kevin Plewecki (The back up back up catcher) pitched the last 2 innings.  Lol.  That was mildly amusing, till he gave up 4 more runs.

Shutterfly is being annoying an not uploading my pictures, but it is...  But not showing they are uploaded.

Car was serviced.  It needed new rear breaks.  Mom also got my passenger side window fixed.  I could have done without that...  There goes my refund.

I guess now is the best time to write it than any.  I've had "TC lived here" in my notes.  I often wonder how it would be if Theresa still lived at home.  Would I be going out more?  To Mets games, to shows?  Would I be more outgoing in a sense.  But it's not like I was friends with her friend in HS.  Nor do I remember doing much with her socially as a child.  I often wonder if we did more parallel play vs playing together.  I mean, we played Lego, but it was more building our stuff.  And there was video games which I watched mostly.  And then when she's here visiting...  I find myself being downstairs more b/c she's hanging with the parents.  But then this time...  Maybe b/c I'm tired or the Mets games.  I'd go up earlier while she's still downstairs and I'd do my own thing.  So would I eventually revert to my thing of eating and going up not really interacting?  So yeah...  I wonder if I'd be different.  I mean, normally I wouldn't go out to the city mid week.

Then TC said her friend, Dana was planning to go to the city in May and possibly seeing some shows.  She also invited me back when we saw her after Christmas to some book con.  As much as I'd love to see a show...  My "situation" doesn't allow me to go into he city without Mom driving me to at least Queens and taking the train in.  And...  I just don't want to burden her.  Add to that...  I'm just awkward and I can't deal with people 1 on 1 that aren't my sister.

Shows I want to see:
  • Anastasia - A live version of the cartoon.  I have never seen it, but I always had a fascination with her...  Then I guess I'm on a Russian kick or something.  Then Ramin Karimloo is in it.
  • Carousel is coming back.  One of my favorite songs is You'll Never Walk Alone, but I like it as a solo...  So...
  • Miss Siagon - Surprisingly, I've never seen this.  Nor have I heard the music.  Other than Last Night Of The World.  Nor do I really know the story.  Part of it was spoiled for me.  B/c I tried to research it.  So...  Let's not do that again!

    Ugh...  I have computer things to do, like balance my money and schedule my DVR for the week, but I'm tired of sitting at my desk!  But I also don't want to watch TV from bed b/c I'll either get too comfortable or bored easily.  I should probably clean my room.  I also have a lot of programs I need to edit.  My external hard drives are getting full!  And I still need to watch / record stuff off my DVR and onDemand!  I don't even know what programs I deleted that I need to watch.

    OMG, I'm rambling.  I need to stop.
  • broadway, #teamsonya

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