7500centfish was here for the week.

Apr 30, 2017 14:02

She had some work related lecture mid week in Astoria of all places so she took some time off.  She came last Friday actually so we went to the Mets game on that Sat.  Mets lost.  But I got my garden gnome.  I intend to make Mom a Garden Gnome thing amongst her plants, but can't find the right spot.

I was working throughout the week.  Did we even do anything at night?  TC spent most of the the cleaning out her room and I was watching Mets games?  I don't even remember.

On Wednesday we headed into the city to see Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812.  We got stage seats.  I've stated in the past that I have a dislike for period dramas and non period music.  And...  I'm more of a fan of "operatic" singing.  For this reason and maybe the "hip hop" music I have little to no interest in seeing Hamilton.  Oh and the fact everyone and their mother wants to see it.  This last reason is why I was blah over seeing Book Of Mormon.  Anyway...  I think the subject matter made me want to see...  Is there an acronym for The Great Comet?  TGC?  I remember seeing the trailer and being slightly turned off.  Anyway...  TC brought me / picked me up from work and we drove into the city.  We hit traffic going through the midtown tunnel, but made it to the theater in time, plus time to eat.  We ate at some hole in the wall hipster food court.  I had a burger.  Afterward we went into the theater.  I bought my poster and shirt.  We then had to go down this claustrophobic tunnel to get to our on stage seats.  We sat on banquettes and they were more spacious than I anticipated.  I was able to sit with my bag and jacket to my side and not on them / on the floor in front of me.  I chose stage seats b/c I wanted to really experience it at some point...  And I thought might as well now, I may never see it again.

I went into it relatively blind.  I had read a description of it calling it a punk opera.  And knowing it's a portion of War and Peace.  Other than that I was clueless.  Me not knowing music...  As per Theresa it was not punk.  More rock and more electro-pop.  Either way.  I actually enjoyed it.  Not gonna deny it needs work.  The relationship between N&P is like non existent and out of no where.  And...  It's not like they really got together, just if I weren't me, I'd marry you type thing.  Plus they cut out my OTP Sonya and Nikolai.  So I'd definitely see it again.  And...  I did like the stage seats, but I'd see it in the audience again.  A lot of my view was covered and I was focusing on the action around me vs the action on the middle of the stage.  But we got some Russian pastry and they passed around eggs...  Like the musical kind.  But they missed our row...  I snagged a couple b/c people left theirs.  We didn't stage door.  If we did I would have gone for the girls for once...  And Anatole.  Hehe...  Josh Groban was...  In a fat suit.  Wasn't in it enough for me to care for his character.  Maybe if I read the book...  I wasn't even into his character in this miniseries I saw.  Oh and Josh Canfield from Survivor was in it.  I preferred his boyfriend Reed but...  I haven't wanted to see anything he's been in.  I also saw him in Dr. Zhivago.

Lol?  James Norton who played Andrei in the mini is dating the chick who played his sister!  HAHAHA!!!

Oh so the Mets...  We suck(ed?)!  We had lost 10 of 11, last place in the NL east.  Then were were heading into the Nats series where if we're swept could fall 10 behind...  Is the season over?  I still have hope.  We then finally won a game!  And then another!  We have the potential of sweeping the Nats.  It's looking better...  But we're still 3 for 13...  We've played nothing but NL east so far.  Who know, maybe we can climb back up outside of our division.

TC stayed on line at Best Buy to get a NES classic.  She couldn't pick up 2.  I then played it but soon got bored.  I probably haven't played video games in 20 years.  I'll probably get some bootleg system to play what games we have.  We still have the systems, but I don't know if they work and we have no wires nor controllers.

Rumor is we're going to Orlando this year.  I had already requested the HH time off and...  Not thinking we were going anywhere I took time to go to Milwaukee for a Mets game.  I now have 1 day left for Christmas.  I feel like I need at least 2.  So I have to work something out with Marna at some point.  But then again, Christmas is on a Monday, so I'd have the weekend off so...

broadway, mets thoughts

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