[ This is her (sad) attempt to communicate with all you people who don't speak English. She's obviously missing a few languages but these are the four that I could butcher the best-ie, the most common (and Japanese mostly because probably more than half the population of Discedo is Japanese). Have fun with her awful grammar and very obvious accent
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Ahh... practicing other languages, eh?
Sending a message! Was I good?
You were! Well, I understood the French part, and for that you'd just need a little bit of practice! But I can help you with French if you ever need it!
Wow, really?! Isaac always said it was the language of wine! He said you only speak it while drinking, or if you plan on drinking in the future, or if you've recently drunk!
Well... yes, and no. Though wine is... consumed a lot in Mr. France's house, that's not the only reason to speak it, eh? It's a very beautiful language, and many refer to it as a 'romance' language.
You mean I'd be speaking the language of Love? [ Like love is a thing. ]
Technically, yes. Not to speak a great deal on behalf of my brother or anything, but Paris supposedly is a very popular location for honeymoons.
Paris? Isaac promised me we'd go to Paris one day!
That's lovely, eh? It really is beautiful there. And it always helps to know a bit of the language when you head to another nations house, just in case you need to ask questions.
Do you think we'd get to meet France if we went there?
I wouldn't doubt that. Mr. France enjoys to making himself known, eh?
We'll definitely have to go sometime, then! But after we make sure Firo and Ennis and Maiza and Czes and Prussia are okay!
It would be nice, I'm sure you'd enjoy yourself.
Maybe one day I could show you my house, too!
Really? I'd love to see your house, Canada!
I'd love to show you! And my people speak both English and French, so it wouldn't be so difficult to get around in, eh?
Yeah, it'd be no problem!
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