Luce (my sister) went in to wake Mark up today, and he didn't move. At all. When she shook him, he moaned and whimpered and said he was glad she could be with him at the end, and Luce freaked and started calling for Mom.
Mark cracked open one eye and said, "Gotcha. I'm not dead yet. Jesus."
Luce announced that being a cancer patient apparently didn't preclude him from being an absolute asshole. Fun times. Lots of tension in the house. I am going for a loooong walk, and then to do yoga, and then to eat dinner, and then....and then.... Anything to stay out of the way for a bit, I think.
Yoga is so soothing to me. <3
If, that is, I can get rid of the migraine headache I can already feel coming on. Any weird and unusual migraine cures, anybody? I'll try anything, so long as it doesn't involve public nudity or gratuitous sex with teddy bears.
bornbeautiful, this is for you:
Me [chopping vegetables for breakfast while watching television in the kitchen. A Mitt Romney ad comes on]: know, every time I see Mitt Romney, I think of Nicole.
Luce: If you ever say that to her, she'll slap you, and I don't blame her.
Me: I didn't mean it that way