Feb 04, 2008 10:14
There are few things in this world that revile me more than that special breed of creature I have named the transfetishist. I say this because today I had a conversation with one when I went out to get breakfast, and it went like this:
Guy [long gawking stare at me while I stood beside him in line]: Hey there, pretty.
Me [glancing over, weak smile, obvious glance back to menu I'm studying]: Hi.
Guy: You from around here?
Me: No.
Guy: ...your look, it's really cool, kind of different.
Me: Thanks.
[brief interlude as he gets breakfast and leaves. I get my breakfast, and when I walk back out guess who's waiting for me?]
Guy: I can 't tell what gender you are, that's...really fucking cute. Are you a transsexual?
Me [not bothering to dignify that with a response, but almost running down the street rather than educate the man about the differences in definitions of words beginning in "trans"]
Guy [almost yelling as he speeds up to walk beside me, oblivious to my disgust]: Because I think that's so fucking sexy! shemales are totally hot! i never saw one up close! I was going to ask for your number - hey, where are you going?
I wanted to stab him in the goddamn eye.
Not being one for porn, I'm not terribly acquainted with this, but apparently there's an entire market of pornography and material that features TG and TS people, and it's become a bit of a fetish. I've been hit with comments like this before, most memorably at a dance club where a guy asked me repeatedly to please, please dance with him so he could "feel what it was like" to "touch someone like you." It's revolting. What's worse, I feel like there's no way I can combat it; it's hard to stand there and try to educate someone about being TG when you're being leered at, and it's hideously disconcerting to feel like your entire existence as a human being has been reduced to the fetish over your gender identity.
Better just to run.
But that completely skeeved me out.