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Oct 18, 2006 09:04

so, for anyone who cares or doesn't already know everything that went down last night this is my recap as i experienced everything

i hung out with dan after school and i had to work at 4 so he dropped me off at my house and i went to work.  At around 6 i went on break and got out my phone where I had a text from marykate..."dan was in a car accident with corey and brian of are in the ER"  it didn't make perfect sense but i got the jist of it and promptly started freaking out

i tried to call mk a couple times with no answer then dan then mk again until she answered, they weren't at the hospitol yet so she told me all she knew, that brian was driving and was at FMH and that corey and dan were worse and were at a hospitol in bethesda.  Then i called my mom, by this point i'm in tears, and i told her everything I knew and she said she was coming to get me from work.  Then blair walked around the corner and i told her what happened, they tried to call the hospitol but we didn't get any information.  Then i got a call from danielle saying she and katrina were going to the hospitol and I was going with them I told them i'd be home in 10 minutes and as soon as my mom got there i left.

Katrina and danielle picked me up and we drove to the hospitol all really worried and in or on teh verge of tears, close to the hospitol we got a call from mk saying that corey dislocated his hip and hit his head on something and got some kind of concusion they were currently giving him a catskan, and dan fractured his wrist and did something to his back

we got to the hospitol and i went straight back to where dan was, he couldn't walk or even stand he rolled out of the car but he was talking and stuff but was in a lot of pain so I asked him to tell me what happened the story is as follows: brian was driving his mom's car corey was in the front seat and dan was behind him, brian was driving way too fast going 70 down mussetter and trying to pass someone near the railroad tracks? they lost control and ran head on into a tree, brian was ok, dan and corey somehow got themselves out of the car.  they tried to bring in a helicopter but it couldn't land so they took them in ambulances

the doctors came in and wrapped up dan's wrist, told him he had to stay flat, and gave him more drugs, he has an MRI this morning to find out if he'll need surgery on his back or a brace of some kind...he fractured the lower L1...whatever that means and we'll find out more today

i only saw corey briefly at the end he has a bad hit on his head which causes him to forget everything about every 30 seconds, he recognized everyone but didn't really know what happened he kept asking "who's car?" and trying to figure out what happened, the doctor's said he was in shock and should remember things in about 12 hours, they were able to pop his hip back into place

rachael and I went home at about 10 and stopped at sean and brians to talk to sean heather and tom and see what they knew, we talked with them for awhile and then went back to my house

I could barely sleep last night and kept having dreams about everything i really want to get back up to the hospitol this morning...school is not happening, sean heather and tom said that they were going with bryce this morning but i haven't heard from them yet hopefully they'll call soon and i can get a ride and find out more....i'm really bad at shortening stories but this has no exaggerations....

i'm still scared but compared to all the things running through my head last night i'm so glad that they're as ok as they are...it could've been soooo much worse..hopefully i'll find out more today
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