Sep 14, 2002 09:46
well, since my fateful Vegas trip, a ton of not so great stuff has happened. I found out that I needed surgery to fix my chronic sinusitus, nasal polyps, and deviated septum. I also found out that I am allergic to two kinds of molds, ragweed, white oak tree pollen and of all things, egg whites!! WHo knew?! Certainly not me. Well, all those troubles of course meant surgery! So on August 22 I scheduled myself to have a surgery that according to the doctor would take 7-10 days for full recovery and would mean 4 days off of work. Well, lets just say 7-10 days my ASS. It is now three weeks later and I still am scabbed and relatively miserable.
TO make the whole surgery thing worse... the night before I went, my grandpa collapsed. He had a massive heart failure which stopped his heart and breathing. The paramedics revived him, but it took them 20 mintues to do it. In that time, his brain and kidneys sustained too much damage to continue to function properly. On saturday (thank god not that friday because that would be my wedding anniversary) we took him off the respirator and he died 15 minutes later. The funeral was hard, but we buried him the way he wanted to be buried: in his suit that he bought for my uncle's wedding in 1987 and told my grandma to bury him in it, with a Bud ice tucked nicely under his arm, just in case he gets thirsty. The beer was my brothers way of saying goodbye, but we all thought that it was appropriate, considering Grandpa's love for it.
Well, with the funeral being only 2 days after my surgery, I of course got a cold because I wasn't resting enough, but who can blame me for needing to be at his wake and funeral? (I was totally drugged on Codene the whole time, but I couldn't not say goodbye.) Well, the cold kicked my butt, along with hay fever (they say this is the worst summer for allergies in a long time, just my luck!) and I of course got sick AGAIN this past week. THis was no ordinary sickness, though. I had some sort of exotic virus that attacked my throat. I couldn't swallow without crying in pain. I couldn't croak out a word without sobbing because it hurt so bad to talk. I went to the regular doctor on Tuesday morning, with just the throat problem. I told him that it was hurting so bad on the side of my throat that my ear even hurt. He gave me a shot to prevent my throat from closing up on me and gave me a really strong antibiotic. He said if I wasn't feeling better by Thursday to go see Dr. Shah ( my nose dr) because it may have to do with surgery. Well, needless to say, I didn't make it to Thursday. By noon that same day, I had a high fever, chills, and nausea. My mom had to leave work to take me back to the doctor because I was delerious. She has to puch me in a wheel chair because I was too weak to walk the whole way. I was also so weak that in the doctors office I couldn't sit up and had to lay down on the floor because there was no place else to lay down! THe doctor had a hard time examining me because I was so damn out of it. He forced me to throw up, which made me feel better enough to be coherent(which still isn;t saying much, but it was an improvement) He put a camera into my nose and down my throat, said that i still have a lot of healing to do from my surgery (gee, thanks a lot!) and that my throat inside is totally fine, no swelling, redness, or puss. That kinda freaked me out because I was in so much pain! He said that if I wasn't 50% better on wednesday when I went in for another appointment that I had to go for a CAT scan to find out what was making my neck hurt so bad. He said it could be an infection in my lymphnodes or any number of BAD things. He gave me prevacid to stop the nausea so that I could take the antibiotic. Fortunately, the prevacid worked and I held my pills. The fever finally broke that night and my neck stopped feeling like it was splitting in half. It still hurt like hell, but its a relief to know that your head isn't going to flop to one side. He declared me ok enough to not be admitted or have the CAT scan. unfortunetely my throat still hurts 4 days later and yawning is the worst feeling in the world. If I am not better by monday, I think I am going to go back to a dr because I can still barely talk some of the time because it hurts to speak at a normal level that everyone can hear.
I am now in Chicago. My room is small as hell with furniture that is way too big for it. The building is way old, too. My "kitchen" makes last years kitchen look like a full-size gourmet kitchen. There is literally NO couter space. The stove is the size of a cookie sheet. No kitchen table with chairs. The bathroom is literally only a toilet, sink and a hole in the wall that they call a shower. there is no storage space in the bathroom, let alone a place to set ANYTHING. I at least have a decent size closet, which will have to hold everything because there is no room to put things elsewhere. Oh , yeah, and did I mention that the "l" train is 50 feet behind my building and i hear the train every damn time it passes, which is like every 3-5 minutes! ARGH!
OK, enough bitching for now. Feel free to have pity on me. I will do better with this thing now that I am on a network again. Getting online at home was such a nuissance.