Japan Trip: Day 11 -- Mata Ne!

Jun 20, 2010 09:07

June 1

The last day has come.

We had our last Japanese business hotel breakfast. After eating I just took a shot of this:

Garbeges XD

So we finished packing up our stuff, gave some extra food and other stuff that won't fit to our cousin.

I also took Bluey's last shot in Tokyo:

Tokyo tower is the point behind the building and the crane.

We took some pictures right in front of the hotel. Used the cheki too and gave it to my cousin for her son (who wasn't able to come since he still had school)

We didn't go far anymore for lunch. We went down below the hotel again and looked for some food. We ate at an Indonesian restaurant. I was starting to revert back to my Filipino way of eating with the spoon and fork. (haha!) The food was good but it would have been nice if I got to try the thick wooden chopsticks they had.

After lunch, we were picked up by the airport limo service just before 1pm.

Here's a few shots on the way to the airport:

Ferris wheel in Odaiba:

The walls of Disneyland:

Too bad we didn't get to go there. But it's pretty far from the city and I can just imagine our parents just sitting in a bench in there for most of the day. Not exactly fun.

We arrived at the airport and checked in really really early. Our flight was still at 6:35.

So after leaving our baggage, we headed up for more shopping! I got some more pocky and kitkat.

Here's all the pocky we got (well not exactly all the boxes, they wouldn't fit this picture.

So we found 3 types of giant pocky. We got 2 green tea from Kyoto, 1 Strawberry from donki and 1 Chocolate from the airport.
Regular, thin, mix berry and men's pocky from donki
Pocky desserts (strawberry custard and chocolate banana) came from everywhere I forgot where. But these were goooooood.

Some of the boxes's backs:

Chocolate pocky, vegetable pretz and thin pocky.

Then the kitkats:

Strawberry Cheesecake from the airport (yokohama limited)
Green tea from Kyoto (the bigger one) and airport
Wasabi from the airport (kanto limited)
Bitter almond from airport
Semisweet from donki
Banana from airport
and Sakura(?) green tea from the airport
I forgot to add the "Framboise" we got at donki.

We ate some snacks at UCC then after, we headed to immigration.

After getting in, we headed for some more duty free shopping.

I got 2 more cheki packs:

Hello Kitty was from bic or yodobashi
Pooh and Mickey from the airport

After getting the last of our pasalubongs, we rode the shuttle to our gate.

We settled down and just waited for our flight. I was already out of coins/cash so I didn't get to buy some more stuff.

We started boarding and in a few minutes, it was sayonara or rather... mata ne! Japan. I'm going to miss the great life in Japan.

After a 4hr flight, watching Alice in Wonderland and another Japanese movie (jeez why do I keep on forgetting the titles), we're back home... with relatively cool weather than when we left.

And that's the end of our Japan adventure. Will try to do another post listing stuff that we were actually able to do. ^^

trip: japan 2010, family, food

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