Japan Trip: Day 8 -- Boring Day

Jun 15, 2010 17:13

May 29

The day we go back to Tokyo finally came. The stay was short and we wanted to stay longer but we don't exactly have the choice. I loved Kyoto and how it was so easy to go around and see the sights within the city. Will definitely pass by again when I go back to Japan. Same hotel too since it's nicely positioned.

So after breakfast, we headed to the Kyoto Theater again to check out the Ozamu Tezuka stuff again. Finally got a Kimba phone charm... if only they had a ticket holder/wallet thingy I would have gotten one.. oh well. And I also got the rest of the stretched coins since I don't think I can find any more of these machines in Japan.

The stretched coins:

We went back to our rooms and continued to pack up.
Here's Bluey just waiting to be packed. Listening on his konekobus mp3 player :P

After checking out, I got our reserved tickets. I was so in a hurry that I never got to check the store again with Iko-chan in it. >.< TT____TT

We got to the platform and had to wait for a bit longer since we came in early. We got some bento at a stall.

here's the ticket for going back to Tokyo

Once the train arrived, we boarded and got to our seats. Since my stomach was acting up again, I only got some of the chakin-zushi my brother bought. Yum... I guess it was good enough for my lunch.

When we arrived at Tokyo station, we got 2 taxis and got back to the hotel. Our cousin met up with us at the hotel. She helped us bring up the luggage again. We rested a bit then went down to check out the building beneath our hotel.

We had hotdogs and ice cream for snacks since we barely ate lunch.

We had dinner at an Italian restaurant. (Remember my dad was already tired of eating Japanese food) We waited for our tita to arrive. It was rare that it was only family who were around.
So we had some pizza and pasta.

Here's the simple yet good pizza:

Took a photo of the wall of the restaurant near where we ate:

After dinner we headed to a nice karaoke place called Karaokekan. We only stayed for an hour and left. We passed by McDonalds and I had a McFlurry and we shared an ebi burger.

My parents went back to the hotel while us kids walked to donki (it was just near the karaoke). We got our food and pasalubongs. Stocked up on more pocky and cheese in a can. My brother also bought 4 bottles of the same ramune we first tried in HK.

It's from the US but we never see it here (and the US is still so far away) so we grabbed our chance to try the ever so evasive cheese in a can.

We got a taxi to go back home since the stuff we bought were so heavy.

And that ends day 8. Kinda boring huh?

Another food trip for day 9 coming up ^^

trip: japan 2010, toys, family, food

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