Japan Trip: Day 5 -- Shinkansen

Jun 12, 2010 21:22

May 26

It was the day we're supposed to check out of our hotel in Tokyo and move on to Kyoto. Since we will be staying at the same hotel when we get back 4 days after, we left some of our stuff there that would be such a hassle to bring along especially since we will be riding the shinkansen.

Our cousin and my mom's friend helped us go to Tokyo station. When we got there, we still had to look for the JR ticketing booth where we can exchange our documents for a JR pass. We also got reserved tickets so we're assured of our seats. Otherwise we could have just shown our pass and rode on the non-reserved train.

Here's the JR pass and ticket for Kyoto:

We went to the tracks and we found the train there. We went inside only to discover we got in early and they were still cleaning up the train. We went out again to wait for a few more minutes until the train was ready.

The train started off smoothly. It wasn't as fast as I imagined it would be. I was thinking it would be as fast as when a plane is just starting to take off. A food cart passed by our seats and I got some pocky dessert.

It was around lunch time so I decided to grab a few bites to eat even if my stomach was a bit upset (I always have stomach problems before a trip). My cousin fixed us some bento and onigiri.

Konekobus seems interested in it too:

I didn't get to finish the food in the shinkansen so I just ended up listening to music on my shiny new Walkman. I only brought my set of earphones so I decided that if I get a chance, I'll get some headphones.

The train arrived on schedule and we were out of the tracks by 3. We kinda got lost around the station but we finally found our hotel. It was just right on top of the train station. We got our keycards and went to the room.

I finished my bento and took a few shots of konekobus on the windowsill. Look at the view from our room:

That's on the opposite side of the tracks.

Everyone was tired so my brother and I checked out the Kyoto station area.
Here's another shot outside with my phone cam:

This was taken in the hallway to our rooms.

We went down and looked around. Our hotel had the perfect location! Just at the station and just right in the (lower) middle of the city. The bus terminal is just there, it's easier to go around with the bus. There were a lot of places to eat. There was also a theater right beside the hotel. We checked that out and we found some sort of special place for Ozamu Tezuka's animations. They had a life size Astroboy and Kimba's dad. I got some stretched coin from their machine.

We walked a bit more to the other side and lo and behold... we found what my brother was looking for. Bic camera!

This was a few meters away from Bic: (phonecam)

I got myself a Mickey USB adaptor so I can charge my Walkman without my brother's laptop. I checked out some headphones and decided I might get an ONTO since it was pretty cheap.

On the way back, I got a shot of the Kyoto Tower. I didn't bring my camera then so a lot of the shots that night were with my phone cam.

Went back to our rooms to get our parents and my other brother and headed to the station for dinner. I can't remember if I got curry again hahaha but the food was nice.

We bought some snacks then passed by Mister Donut. Afterward, we went back to our rooms and relaxed.

And that ends day 5.

Sightseeing day 6 will come next. ^^

trip: japan 2010, family, food

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