duel love part 3

Jun 12, 2008 21:20

i'm feeling better now compared to earlier (refer to my twitter posts) although i need longer sleep (meaning sleep earlier)

anyway so here's the third (and probably 2nd to the final single post) about duel love.

i already finished the 5 characters and there's still one special character left... i don't really like him though...

so here's some pictures:

Here's the 5 main boys:

(searched around the internet)

now ranked to my taste:

6. "king"

(image from internet)
i don't really know his real name since i haven't played him yet.
so he's the #1 in boxing in their school... i don't know his attitude... XD

5. Tomohiko Tachibana

(image from internet)
he's the youngest... even younger than your character. he's too young for my taste :P

4. Kei Ryuzoji

he's the princely type... i love how he looks good playing the piano.

3. Shinichiro Nagao

the nerdy type... he's always staying in the library. the thing he's holding there looks cute ^^

2. Yuma Asakura

yeah i know you've seen him before...
he's the lively guy in the group... reminds me of nakatsu in hanakimi.

1. Jin Yuki

posted the third time XD
he's the snobbish type at first then eventually opens up to you.

oh and bonus jin picture i found on the internet:

there... so next time i'll be posting, it will be a long time from now since i'm planning on completing all the available photos of all those characters.

personal, games, boys, sick, nintendo ds lite, duel love

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