A lot of people are saying that these elections mean nothing, but every election means something. It means you're being given a choice over whether you want someone to represent you. You might not think this means something with a position like the Warden, but exercise your rights in one place and you might earn more rights over time. The Wardens
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Private // Unhackable
There wasn't a need, at that time.
...And I would not have known what to do.
private // unhackable
Hiro would still like your help.
private // unhackable
I don't know anything about politics.
private // unhackable
You know how to fight and protect and build from destruction, don't you? To change things.
private // unhackable
...Yes, something else that is created from fighting. Our world, and this City, they both need change. However, in order to change the world, I must find my answer, and the only way I can is to continue to fight. In such a position, I would not know how to. I can only fight for Celestial Being.
However, finding another way to live, as Youko had stated
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