A lot of people are saying that these elections mean nothing, but every election means something. It means you're being given a choice over whether you want someone to represent you. You might not think this means something with a position like the Warden, but exercise your rights in one place and you might earn more rights over time. The Wardens may say there isn't a proper way to do this job, but that's because there isn't always a right way to be a politician. You can look good on paper, but your way of solving problems is always up to you.
That all said, I'll be terribly disappointed if people don't end up voting. If you're a little too lazy to go working down the network, I can give you something here. My opinions are here, but isn't that how these things work?
Nakamura Hiro: "I want to save the world." That's an interesting platform, don't you think? It implies that we're in imminent danger and need to be saved. I'm not going to disagree with that, but I think it's something to keep in mind. He has a pretty good idea of what the job entails, and he's working on setting up the basics-laws, and so forth. He went up against a comrade of mine in the last election, from what I've heard, but I'm pretty sure he was the right one for the position at the time. Weird thing was that he didn't take that comrade as his right hand, from what I've noticed, and instead chose someone we didn't elect. Nepotism isn't something I'm terribly fond of, to tell you the truth. Politicians can't do everything in one term, this is true. He seems the most qualified just by knowing what the job entails, but I ask: did he do anything while he was Warden? If you think he's changing, then he's your guy.
Eddie Blake: A military man. I don't think serving in the military makes you any more qualified than anyone else, and neither does age. I wouldn't vote for him just because he sees the position as a joke, as much as I believe in a good sense of humor. He might have the right makings for the position in the end, but he doesn't have his head in the right place.
Julian Keller: Young, and while he seems to have a good idea of what needs to be done, he doesn't understand how the position works. Idealistic, but that isn't so bad. I think he needs to learn the ins and outs of things first before he can be in charge.
Nanoha Takamachi: A mother, and while I'm sure she has other qualifications, I'm afraid I can't say she's a good choice for this. She doesn't seem too enthusiastic about running, either. Maybe next time her daughter should let her know before she's nominated, and she can decide then.
Timothy Hearst: Nine years old. If you vote for him, I'll be surprised. He's the real punchline of this, wouldn't you say? Don't make that mistake.
Ichigo Kurosaki: I don't know anything about this outside of the fact that he's an "idiot." I see that plastered a lot over the network by that one girl, so I can't say I have too much confidence in his abilities.
Tseng: I don't know anything about this guy, but he's new. I don't have much confidence in someone who's new, after all. All right, he has the right experience for the job. The newness still works against him, but I'm going to say that he should be considered. We're all a little new here sometimes, aren't we? He'll be able to step into the position, and he's actually willing to embrace the position. Experience can do someone better than even being new.
My recommendation? Vote between the first three. Unless Kurosaki and Tseng show up later and show more about themselves. I haven't decided myself, but I'll see.
To my comrades: I'm interested in knowing how you've chosen.