[Logs in this post may take place any time during the first month or so following the Promised Day. Al's symptoms will be extremely severe.
Al is most likely asleep.
If he's not asleep, he will be soon.
When he is awake he is very overloaded and hypersensitive to all sensory stimuli. This means:
- If anything touches his skin, he will be in extreme pain.
- Changes in the light/noise/scent levels will result in extreme pain.
- He's probably in pain, and therefore heavily medicated.
His medications will most likely make him... sleep.
He cannot tolerate any food or liquids well. If you attempt to feed him he will vomit.
Due to the severity of his condition, visitors will likely be restricted to family and those he requests to see. Visitation times will be short.
This log takes place in Risembool.]