Al is, currently, at a point in canon where he is recovering from many, many years of physical neglect. He has a whole host of physical and mental symptoms that may be triggering.
Malnutrition - For 8 years, Al has been subsiding off the very little nutrients he gets through his soul bond with Ed. This means he will have fun with tolerating and processing food (yes, that means what you think it means) as well as symptoms of any of the conditions listed in that handy table there. For the link phobic, here are the highlights: Low sex drive, extreme fatigue, temporary/night blindness, muscle atrophy, extreme dehydration, anemia, rashes, EVERYTHING IS WRONG WITH HIS ENTIRE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM, hemorrhages, and of course, Scurvy and Beri-Beri.
Immune Suppression- Al's body spent 8 years in what was essentially a vacuum. While most people were off developing antibodies, Al was sitting by the gate. In other words: If you're carrying it, he will get it. From head colds to stomach flus to bubonic plague. HE WILL GET IT.
-Sensory deprivation/Oversensitivity - I have no handy dandy link for this one, so forgive a little TL;DR. Again, Al has been in a vacuum with no physical contact for 8 years. His nervous system cannot process the smells, tastes, sounds, and feelings of every day life. In the beginning this will be exceptionally severe; even the contact of a single light sheet against his skin will cause almost unbearable pain. These symptoms may mimic or resemble some of the sensory abnormalities associated with the Autism Spectrum Disorders. In some cases, increased sensation may actually help -- for instance, a weighted blanket or compression shirt may help calm his nerves as opposed to increasing the pain. He will be extremely sensitive to changes in sound and light levels -- fluorescents will drive him insane, and he will have very acute hearing. Sudden, loud noises may bring about anxiety attacks. Finally, while some of this will decrease over time, he will always maintain some level of extrasensitvity to sensory stimuli.
Severe sleep deprivation - Summarized again, this means confusion and memory loss, hallucinations, tremors, nystagmus, high stress levels and increased blood pressure (that should be fun with his overtaxed heart), and depression and paranoia. Which leads nicely into....
Minor clinical depression - While I will not be playing Al as chronically depressed, he will experience depressive episodes of varying severity, as well as displaying some symptoms of
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In part, these are a reaction to the trauma of the Promised Day and being returned, suddenly, to his body. He will also be very effected by the sudden crash following a prolonged period of elevated stress, and the dissapointment of being returned to his body only to find it in barely livable condition. These symptoms are exacerbated by the extreme physical stress his body is under. Shorthand: Expect irritability, anxiety, depressive episodes, and mood swings over the next several months. Of all the symptoms, these are the most likely to stabilize quickly.
If you find any of the symptoms listed above, or discussion of medical emergencies and procedures, to be squicky or triggering, please let me know in the comments. I will attempt to keep these, as well as anything inherently visceral or graphic, well labeled behind cuts. I will also keep a list of those who would rather have no contact with Al during this phase of his recovery, and abide by their wishes.
Alternatively, you may contact me privately via email at parodysue [at] gmail[dot] com, on AIM at Shadowdancer29, or on Plurk at Arashiko.
Thank you!