I came across
this site not too long ago. If you enjoy graffiti on walls throughout the world, you should c-c-check it out.
"the most androgynous group of people ever" was the way our group was described not too long ago. i guess it simply backs the comment a customer at work made about myself and the male courtsey clerk having the same haircut--hurridly ammended by "but it looks good on both of you." i suppose i am looking more and more little boy-esque each day.
aside from my increasing masculinity, school is back in full force--a whole two days a week! what to do with the extra time? oh yeah, WORK! new frontiers continues to take back much of the money it gives by tempting me with so much good food. but i like staying busy and having a schedule so it's good for me.
as follows, human jenga balls on the beach style, cocktail party for diego and my birthday back in september and two pictures from new years eve. i wish i had some good resolutions like michele to not use my thumbs, yet i am at a loss for any characteristics i want to change in my life. i am going to try to do this more regularly from now on.