I recently met the three year old child of
vinceklortho and his lovely bride (both fellow Cornell alumni). I crouched down to shake her hand. She looked at me, terribly shy, lifted her foot up to my hand, and declared...
I have cat shoes.
And, indeed, she did.
This may be the single greatest opening line The Chairman has ever heard. In another lifetime, I could use it to pick up women (although I would have to purchase cat shoes for myself). I could probably use it to get a promotion. It was, quite simply, cuteness wrapped in adorable wrapped in ten thousand puppies.
For a good frame of reference, it was at least
this cute.
In retrospect, I realize that I should have a poem prepared for when I encounter such cuteness. Can the IRON POETS help me? I'm looking for a couplet, haiku, sonnet, whatever that would best express the Heart of Man as he is exposed to the pure essence of Adorable.