Iron Man RPers?

May 13, 2008 01:22

Hopefully it's okay to post this. But short story is, I'm part of a multi-fandom RPing community called Landels Damned (heroes/comics wise: we've got a Wolverine (comics), Harry Osbourne (SM3), Eddie Brock/Venom (SM3/amalgram), Harley Quinn (B:TAS), Jonathan Crane (Batman Begins), Clark Kent (Smallville), Peter Parker (SM3), both Petrelli brothers, Sylar, and Elle, among others). I just saw Iron Man for the third time the other day and it occurred to me that the game isn't complete without the badassery of some Iron Man RPers.

If anyone's interested in RPing, the premise of the RP is under the cut. The application period won't be for another few months, but considering how extensive the application is, it's probably for the better. But oh my god, I would be totally in love if someone apped Tony Stark. <333

Your character wakes up in the white room of a mental hospital, their items taken, their powers dampened, and their clothes replaced with a strange grey uniform. A nurse comes in and tells them that their entire life is the product of insanity, a fabrication of their imagination.

However, hushed conversations with other patients soon make it clear that to believe such a claim would be idiocy, and that Landel's Institute resides far from the realm of normalcy that it so zealously advocates for. The days--with kind nurses, friendly announcements, and activities for patients to participate in--disguises a sinister side that remains clear to those entrapped by it even as its purpose remains a mystery.

The sinister side manifests as a dangerous reality when the lights go out. The doors unlock and the patients find themselves faced with nighttime incarnations of daytime entities: Animals grow in size and acquire a taste for blood, nurses become hideous abominations that attack unruly patients, and the man on the intercom reveals his true nature as a sadistic ringmaster who taunts those who would dare mock his power.

It is under these conditions that your character must do whatever it takes to survive. Fight monsters. Look for items. Make alliances. Break alliances. Make enemies, and perhaps attempt to break those as well.

The patients of Landel's aren't insane.

But at this rate, they will be.

APPLICATIONS OPEN July 5th, 2008,.
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[ Find out more today! ]

EDIT: Fixed the application date. It's July 5th, not November.


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