(no subject)

May 13, 2008 01:15

Hello! I won't bore everyone with an intro, but I'm yet another newly converted Iron Man fan that's begun delving into the old stuff because of it.

Anyway, I saw elite's recent arc reactor post, and felt inspired to post my own -- not quite as inventive -- experiment from earlier this weekend.

By repetitive, I mean most of these are basically the same picture.

If you haven't guessed already, they're tiny versions of those round lights you push to turn on. Target had a set of four for $10 and the instant I saw them, I went, "OH GOD. I NEED THEM."

I had to use tape on the hand one because it wouldn't stick to my actual skin. ಠ_ಠ And you guys don't know how tempted I was to pull back my hair and pencil on a shitty goatee with eyeliner for added lulz.

Yes. I am one of the biggest nerds on the planet.

While I'm making a post, have something else. Upon my second viewing of the movie, I noticed something amazing.


Take a really good look at this screencap.

See that thing on the table behind Tony? Under his right (our left) arm? The large, round, half-finished object with a partially painted star?

Looks familiar, doesn't it?

I'd actually heard about this online, and when I saw it in the theatre again, I had to sit in the front row. So I was staring straight at it and it was like 20 feet tall.

It really is what it looks like, I'm confirming it. My mind is blown.

cosplay, introduction, easter egg

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