May 30, 2012 23:52
I was at my house waiting for my grandma to come get me so she can take me to a family' friends house to babysit. When she finally got there I went to climb into her jeep, it turned into a convertible and the kids' mom was sitting in the passengers seat, my grandma was driving, and I was in the back seat. Apparently we were going to go to a party.
Now I was in the hallway outside of the cafeteria in the elementary putting on my bathing suit. As I walking into the lunch room it turned into the elementary gym and Pak was having his class in there. He made us do first grade work and watch The Dead Poet Society. We were all extremely mad because we wanted to swim. After awhile the gym started filling up with water, Mallary got out of her seat and dove into the water After that almost everyone was swimming. I was floating there talking to Jazman and Mallary, and as I turned around Mr. Keson walked into the water. The strange this was that he ways wearing a pink bikini. xD ( my mind is strange) I turned toward Mallary and Jaz and commented on his outfit and said that he looked good! =p Mr. Keson sat down in the water next to this really annoying kid Adam. Adam was sitting, drenching himself In perfume and then started spraying Mr. Keson. As I walked passed him, I told him that he is going to smell good. He just snarled at me!
The water started to drain down the drain in the middle of the gym, so my aunt Amanda came in and tried to fix it. While working, She was telling me stories about her children and how they were misbehaving. Her ex-husband walked in, he was frickin crazy looking. This is a BIG guy and pretty tall, but in my dream he maybe weighed 50 pounds and was about as tall as my 8 year old brother. He was talking about his awesome new diet. Then I woke up.