Apr 08, 2012 20:18
I started off in clare at my grandmas house with Leah, Beth, Ann, and Tammy. Leah was really happy and xcited because Tammy and Beth bought her a bunch of dresses and skirts; really girly clothes, cause apparently she only wears boys clothes. Well, we left to drive to the store to buy her more clothes. Clare turned into Pontiac. Beth just keep talking and talking like she usually does. As we were all getting to the store the van apparently the van broke down . Tammy and I got out of the car to see what was wrong with the van. I'm not sure what Tammy did but I decided to walk down the street, took a right, and then walked along the express way. Between the expressway and the street where the can broke down there was this giant dirt hill. These stupid students from my school were climbing on it screaming because they were sinking, It was great. I just stood there and laughed at them.
I guess when I walked down the express I took the van too because I parked it in the middle of the street and walked back up to Tammy. I asked her if she could come help me get the van because I didn't know how to bring back up to where we originally broke. "Sure, where is the van?" Tammy asked. I told her it was on the express way and that we had to take a right to get there. Instead she said that we needed to go straight to get there faster. As we were walking to go get the van we ended up in some Chinese city.
There were no sidewalks so we had to walk in the street. When we got to the red light Tammy asked me if we were in the middle of the middle of the street. I walked towards her giving her a stupid look and then all of a sudden a car, making a left turn, hit me. My friend Miranda randomly appeared and started flipping out because I got hit by a car. I crawled up on to the sidewalk and then a car stops next to us and a cop gets out of the car. The cop ran up to me and started asking me my name. The he was all like " you mother said you can use the numchucks" This whole scene with the cop was slightly weird. It was like the scene in The movie Sherlock Holmes, right after the explosion and Holmes was waking up and Clarkly was telling Holmes there was a warrant out for his arrest.
Anyways, I was stoked that I was allowed to finally use the numchucks? Which makes no sense, but whatever. He asked us there was anything else we needs. Tammy told him that we need to get across the street to get to the store so we can get out van. The cop hopped in his golf car and started honking his horn to clear the street so we could get across. When we got into the store Tammys, Miranda, and I were looking for Fago Dr, Pepper, which we couldn't find anywhere, Eventually we found the actual Dr. Pepper and right behind it we saw the fago Kinds,
We got everything we needed and walked out of the store. We had a cart full of stuff and need to find a way to get to the van. Miranda and I tried to get into the cart so Tammy could just "drive" it to the van, but we couldn't fit because the was to many bags. I got out of the car and Miranda. My plan was to hang on the the side of the cart, Miranda be in it and Tammy to "drive" it. But it wouldn't work out because when Tammy did 70 on the express way I wound't be able to hold on the the cart. Then I woke up.
We never made it to the van. =/