The weekend came and so did the 中体連 (Chutairen), Junior High School Sports Competition. In a span of about three days, I watched my students compete against other local schools in the sport of volleyball, baseball, basketball, table tennis, canoe, kendo, and softball. I'm in awe at how good these Junior High Students are in these sports. American students their age who play these sports, with the exception of basketball, would be no match for these Japanese students. They are completely obsessed and dedicated to their club activity and it shows in their performance. Not only that, the emotions portrayed in the fine line of victory and defeat is fully expressed. The winners finally get to acknowledge thier efforts from long hours of training through shouting and screaming with joy. And to those who were unfortunate not to achieve that, hide thier faces in thier hands to keep their tears from showing. I know it's cliche, but it's a painful truth; ...and to the losers goes the agony of defeat.
My first days here in this town were spent watching the Junior high school students practice their sport religiously. From that moment, I knew how completely absorbed they were into their sport. That is why I also felt their pain in their defeat as well as their joy in victory. They have given me a fond memory and an everlasting impression during these past couple of days. I was able to witness the limitless passion and determination that my students possess. For this, I will give them my all in helping them grow into the wonderful human beings that I know they will become.
I'm sure that they may not have the chance to read this, but I'd like to say so regardless; Congratulations to all my students who partook in the 中体連. I was able to see you shine in one of the brightest moments of your young lives. Thank you.
Special Congratulations goes to the girls softball team for winning the league championship.