Since my last post of loneliness and despair, I feel as if things have improved. I copied my last post and emailed it to my husband because I am a better writer than I am a speaker, especially when it comes to emotional topics. And every time I broached the topic, I would start to cry. He read the email and we had a discussion. He stated that he did not realize that I felt so lonely. And that he felt horrible that I felt that way for any length of time. He explained that he had wanted to get some projects done prior to the babies' arrival, but that all the other events were not necessary. He stated he often feels overwhelmed when people come to visit and that he feels he has to keep them entertained. He said he did not realize that it had come this time at my expense. Since our conversation, things have improved. He is making a conscious effort to slow the schedule down and for us to spend some quality down time together. I feel better about having gotten it off my chest and that now there is some work towards making things easier on both of us. I owe part of this relief to you guys who allowed me to express myself and gave me feedback that I so needed! Thank you so much. I can never express to you in words how much you all mean to me!
On a puppy note, my brother is taking very good care of little Duke. Its been rough here and there as my brother is entirely new to being responsible for something other than himself. But it is cute to watch and see how much he has fallen in love with the puppy despite all the pooping and peeing. And when my brother goes away for New Years, Shane and I are puppy-sitting the little guy. He is just adorable!
Oh and also... here is my beautiful niece, Charlie Isabella. My sister-in-law gave birth to her on Dec 7. She weighed 7lbs 3 oz and came with a full head of hair. Soon, she will have two cousins to bum around with.