Diverse Obsessionen...

Nov 25, 2011 09:58

Most of you might have heard of my latest obsession: "A Song of Ice and Fire". I watched the TV series first; then read the books (+4000 pages in one month) and have shown the "Game of Thrones" TV series to almost all of my friends, by now. If you haven't seen it: Go watch it! The German dub is quite acceptable, too!

As usual with German dubs: There are no distinguishable accents (I keep imagining the Starks speaking Plattdeutsch or with an Berlin-accent - and Danaerys is in the East, so she could be speaking in a saxon dialect... oh, the mental audio is too much for me XD ).
Unusual for German dubs: The voice actors are talented! And the translation is usually spot on!
A few complaints: 
- Jorah Mormont's voice could have been a little rougher and older,
- Robb Stark's voice could be a bit younger,
- Robert Baratheon sounds very mean (all the time ;__;),
- Joffrey's voice actor sounds verrrrry gay
- Syrio Forell's voice is kind of creepy,
- Old Nan sounds kind of "fake"
- Pycelle sounds much more dignified and capable (which I think is kind of missing the point)
and my biggest complaint: using the German Homer Simpson voice for Commander Mormont. No; sorry, but no.
Everyone else is doing a GREAT job! (I can even watch the Jon Snow Schnee parts now!!!) They are all perfect. My personal favourites are: Jamie's voice, Sandor's voice (my notes read "Kyaaaaaa!" Though that might just be my normal fangirling) and the biggest surprise: Littlefinger Kleinfinger! I like this character in the books and the series (I can never resist a Xanatos Speed Chess-master), but his German dub voice tops it all off (my notes read "eine Stimme wie Samt!" which translates to "a voice like velvet"; which basically means that I could listen to him for hours and... let's just say: I love his German voice!)
Okay, enough of that! Now that I've approved of the German dubbing there is no way you can avoid having to watch this series with me; hahahahaha!!!
I can't wait for Season Two (Brienne *___*! Hopefully more SanSan!!! Asha Yara!).
I'm quite good at predicting the ending of movies and books alike; so finally finding another series that makes me go "O___O NO WAY!!!" and "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" made me really happy.

Right now I can also recommend: Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler (manga), South Park (cartoon), Dexter (TV Series) and anything Neil Gaiman is/was involved in... and of course the Zamonia novels by Walter Moers.
Speaking of which, I got "Das Labyrinth der Träumenden Bücher" (The Labyrinth of Dreaming Books) for my birthday! The hardcover edition! (Duh; it will take months, before a cheaper version hits the market...). It's a sequel to "The City of Dreaming Books" (one of my favourite books EVER) and guess what! It seems like my favourite character might come back from the dead undead dead! At least I hope so...
So, for old times sake, the opening poem of "The City of Dreaming Books" (I'll add a rough translation, because I have to practice):

"In tiefen, kalten, hohlen Räumen                         In deep, cold, hollow cavities
Wo Schatten sich mit Schatten paaren                 where shadows mate with shadows
Wo alte Bücher Träume träumen                          where old books dream about   
Von Zeiten, als sie Bäume waren                         the time when they were still trees
Wo Kohle Diamant gebiert                                   where diamonds spring from coal
Man weder Licht noch Gnade kennt                      and neither light nor mercy is known
Dort ist's, wo jener Geist regiert                            there it is where the spirit
Den man den Schattenkönig nennt."                     called "the Shadow King" reigns.
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