Thanks to my best bud Leroy, i watched Live Show 1 of the X Factor today.
Mary Byrne owned the stage with her confidence and style, her maturity lent her performance depth and just impressed the socks off the audience. Matt Cardle(my favorite dude) impressed as well! FYD not too shabby with Billionaire(though i have better vocals ^^ ). Aiden's Mad World was good and solid, but overhyped if you've seen Lambert OWN IT. TreyC was a shocker with a rather decent One by U2(though her clothes... shabby.)
John and Rebecca were boring... Storm chose a bad song. But Storm is not too bad! I don't mind him staying, he looked really really dejected when Simon dissed his rock star dream. Paul Sim said that he is a 35 year old putting on make up and trying to be 20 again :/
I turn 20 next year.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND sad thoughts aside, Bella, Nicolo, Katie, Pajie, Diva, and Cher were just shabby... Though Katie had ok vocals. Nicolo was probably bad song choice?
BUT THE STAR OF THE NIGHT! I present to you Wagner (unpronounceable surname), with She Bangs/Love Shack. Laughed till i cried.
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I hope Bella and Pajie get out, because i don't see them getting good. Mmm. And I REALLY WANT WAGNER TO STAY FOR A LOOOOOOOOOONG TIME. Updates tomorrow! :)