Jun 09, 2005 13:58
DUDE!!!its been just about 6 months since i last updated this.i got lazy i guess but i didnt delete it tho.i did delete all of the people on the friends list bc i know they arnt gonna be checking my journal for a while since i havent been updating it.can i blame them?im a SENIOR now at irmo.YAYA!!.it was by the gracce of God that i passed bc i honestly wasnt supposed to from what i thought.i was having so much trouble in chemistry and geometry.but i am done and summer is here.i have been working alot and i actually get my check today.in less than a hour to be more exact.i have also been playing bass for the guys of Your Last Dream too.i have been playing with them since the last time i updated th is thing.it has been alot of ups and downs with them tho.there recently a down when they kicked out our guitarest tyler owens without me knowing.that made me really mad.we had a played a few shows at nbt too.ive been playing guitar so much by myself tho.kinda my way of getting away from the columbia hardcore scene.its hard for me to go downtown with a early november shirt or juliana theory shirt w/o someone to look at me like "that bands not hard enough man".i am just more drawn to the softer stuff for some reason.i still like hardcore o bviously since i play with a hardcore band but our scene is so hooked on being judgemental towards eachother that it makes me comepletely sick!!im playing columbia soccer club again this year but i dont start training for it until like next month sometime.im really looking for some new friends bc some of the ones i have been calling friends dont fit the perfect description of the word.i have a few that i can actually call true but i am looking for some others bc true friendships are awesomo!!thats it for now.i will be updatng this thing next week most likely so just let me know that u are still alive at least.....even if u dont actually read this whole thing...god bless.lllllllllllllata