Title: I Shall Not Walk Alone
Fandom: Castle
Spoilers: Knockout
Rating: PG
Summary: Her voice is raspy from the tubes, barely a whisper, and fingers pluck at the blanket covering her.
Author's Notes: Thanks for the reviews guys. Only 2 or 3 left after these.
There are NO Season 4 spoilers in these drabbles. Just my imagination at work.
Part I /
Part II /
Part III /
Part IV and V /
Part VI and VII / Part VIII, IX, X
- - -
There's a peacefulness that touches him, that scares away his uncertainty when he sees her. It turns everything brighter and his steps surer. He doesn't understand, doesn't question. It doesn't even matter if she doesn't remember. He'll just tell her again and again and again if she'll let him.
His breathe catches in his throat as their eyes hold. She's too pale, too skinny, and there are still too many wires and machines surrounding her that (will always) fill him with terror. She's beautiful.
Her voice is raspy from the tubes, barely a whisper, and fingers pluck at the blanket covering her.
- - -
He smiles and blinks away the mist forming in his eyes, at just the sound of her voice no less, and shuffles over to her bedside, tucking his hands in his pockets because he doesn't believe she'd appreciate him taking hold of her hand and never letting go.
“Didn't expect to find you alone.”
“Kicked everyone out.” Her voice fades and her eyes flutter shut so he leans closer. “They were hovering and looked dead tired.”
He flinches at the word 'dead' and because he decides in that moment, too much time has been wasted, he reaches for her hand.
She squeezes back.
- - -
“I know you,” she tells him a few days later, interrupting the sudden silence. She's propped up on pillows, with the softest expression he's ever seen on her face. He's pretty sure he knows exactly what she's talking about. Because he knows her too.
“You feel guilty.”
Shame fills his face. He lowers his head so she can't see. “Beckett.” He clears his throat, not knowing how to explain. “Kate, I-”
“Don't.” The steel in her voice makes him look up. He sees a flash of anger. A flash of compassion. A flash of gratitude when she finishes with,
“You saved me.”