Title: Murder In Her Heart
Rating: PG
Spoilers: none
Prompt: #79/temptation
Fandom: Lost
Summary: She's sixteen the first time she thinks about killing him.
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She's sixteen the first time she thinks about killing him, standing in the doorway of the kitchen, watching her mother place ice against her cheek as she cleans the blood splattered counter. It's a fleeting moment, one she forgets, but the seed is planted. Knives are awfully pretty.
The next time, she's eighteen, and through the yelling remembers where her mother keeps a gun, remembers when her dad taught her to shoot. Her mother pleads, don't do anything. This time she doesn't forget.
She's twenty four when she finds out about Wayne. There are knives. Guns. But the temptations too great.
Kate's always had a fascination with fire.